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Old 02-21-2020, 01:50 PM   #151
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3. There is a " Deep State " conspiracy that is covertly trying to discredit the Chump presidency and hinder his efforts to govern.

If there isn't there should be!
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Old 02-23-2020, 09:27 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by stikiwikit View Post
This article is very much worth reading especially in view of the recent cuts in the SNAP program. Also be aware, and you probably are not, that much of this money goes to conglomerate farms, not the family farmer.


Wow, I know there is a way to shorten this, but I forget how.
Trump money? No, what you really mean is Tax Payer money. Of course Trump won’t be revealing all of these payments. Why not? Well isn’t this socialism at its finest. Govt subsidies are nothing more than social programs just like corporate welfare. FYI Walmart gets a $6bn handout from the govt. Same thing, so IMHO Trump is a liar and hypocrite. He bashes the Dems and Bernie because of socialism, but he’s doing just that. This is nothing new. Capitalism can’t survive without Social programs. But farmers are going down like flies. It’s the tax payer that foots the bill on farm subsidies not China. So when Trump claims it’s China that pays for these Tariffs, he’s lying. But what do you expect from a guy who’s gone bankrupt 6 times despite daddy handing him a $44M handout. Who can stand listening to his lies everyday. Not me,
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Old 02-23-2020, 11:22 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
Trump money? No, what you really mean is Tax Payer money. Of course Trump won’t be revealing all of these payments. Why not? Well isn’t this socialism at its finest. Govt subsidies are nothing more than social programs just like corporate welfare. FYI Walmart gets a $6bn handout from the govt. Same thing, so IMHO Trump is a liar and hypocrite. He bashes the Dems and Bernie because of socialism, but he’s doing just that. This is nothing new. Capitalism can’t survive without Social programs. But farmers are going down like flies. It’s the tax payer that foots the bill on farm subsidies not China. So when Trump claims it’s China that pays for these Tariffs, he’s lying. But what do you expect from a guy who’s gone bankrupt 6 times despite daddy handing him a $44M handout. Who can stand listening to his lies everyday. Not me,

Heck of a post
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Old 02-24-2020, 08:35 AM   #154
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Default You still rolling a turd ball uphill...

Still sticking with a Yahoo entertainment article?

Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
Trump money? No, what you really mean is Tax Payer money...
Look at that big brain on Brad... Same with any other President ever...
Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
...Of course Trump won’t be revealing all of these payments...
He does not have to reveal them. They are open records and available for free to anyone. Duh
Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
...Govt subsidies are nothing more than social programs just like corporate welfare. FYI Walmart gets a $6bn handout from the govt. Same thing, so IMHO Trump is a liar and hypocrite. He bashes the Dems and Bernie because of socialism, but he’s doing just that. This is nothing new. Capitalism can’t survive without Social programs...
You may need a GPS for that big brain Brad. You are swerving all over the road and losing yourself in the process. Social programs do social things. Always have, always will and have for centuries. Capitalism can survive with social programs. Can Socialism? But if you applied that big brain of yours, aren't any social programs just payouts to a defined constituency? So where is the difference really?

Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
...farmers are going down like flies...
News must move slow in your neck of the woods. This has been true for decades. Ever heard of the Dust Bowl? Farm Aid?

Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
It’s the tax payer that foots the bill on farm subsidies not China. So when Trump claims it’s China that pays for these Tariffs, he’s lying...
When any country pays a tariff to the US, China in this case, they pay the tariff to the US Treasury. They do not pay it directly to the US President, GEPOTUS Trump in this case, and they do not pay it directly to any specific cause, farmers in this case.

Guessing that slow news delivery hasn't caught up to inform you that the family farmer is an infinitesimally small portion of farmers or that most farms are corporate entities and many are quite large. BTW: the correct term is Agri Business. The word business being the opposite of a not for profit charity. Notwithstanding, the US farmers are a most critical resource to US citizens and the world at large and should be protected and preserved as the critical National resource that they are, because eating is good and farming is hard and expensive. Though it would be OK if they stopped supplying food to you.
And then there is that pesky US Constitution, eh Comrade, which gives the US President broad latitude on levying tariffs to protect US citizens and US business interests alike.
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Old 02-24-2020, 09:18 AM   #155
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Default My fuzzy recollection, which one of the cases??

Originally Posted by Dev Null View Post
...United States v. Viktor Netyksho et al...
No wonder I was so confused, seems there may be two cases involving United States v. Viktor Netyksho et al. Which are you referring to?

The particulars of the two cases where:
  • The FBI forensic team was called to the DNC to review the server(s), analyze it and troubleshoot the hacking back to it's source
    • The FBI either brought the server to the FBI lab or stationed themselves in the DNC server room to monitor it. (I don't recall which)
    • The FBI assembled and assigned a crack team to review the server
    • The FBI used the best tools available to do a deep dive into the server
    • There where able to definitively trace the data back to Russia and identify the perpetrators with iron clad precision
  • The DNC said they paid a third party company from the Ukraine to look into it
    • The third party was a Hillary Clinton donor
    • The third party was funded originally by Google Capital (President of which was a Hillary Clinton donor)
    • The third party provided a preliminary overview report to the FBI
    • The FBI never saw:
      • The server
      • The logs
      • The final report
      • The evidence
If it is the first case you are referring to, I would expect the trial to move forward with all alacrity while the perps are in absentia, with an eventual conviction and perhaps some day they would be caught in the wild somewhere and locked up for a long time. I don't see that case taking very long to prosecute.

If it is the second case, I don't see that ever resulting in a trial, much less a conviction.

Which case was it again?
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Old 02-24-2020, 07:20 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Which are you referring to?
Neither, since both summaries demonstrate a profound ignorance of cybersecurity best practices.

CrowdStrike, Ukraine, and the DNC server: Timeline and facts

The FBI properly collected forensic evidence

Trump’s mention of the FBI’s failure to take the presumably single server was considered then and now a misleading accusation given that the DNC decommissioned more than 140 servers after the Russian hack, as Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented in his Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. Moreover, the FBI took images of those servers, engaged in memory dumps of connected devices and collected network logs, gathering enough forensic evidence to conduct their analysis.

Most experts argue that the FBI’s forensic methods produced superior evidence than would be obtained from unplugging the machine and hauling it away, which would have caused important evidence resident in memory to disappear.

“CrowdStrike got a forensic image, which was provided to the FBI,” according to a Department of Defense cyber threat analyst who spoke with CSO. “Nobody needs the physical hardware anymore.”

You can click the link to see that the company was decidedly not from the Ukraine.

As far as your game of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, I defy you to name a single corporation that doesn't have a staffer who knows someone who's worked for someone who's contributed to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or even Kinky Friedman for that matter.

No one gives a rat's ass, except for lame-ass conspiracy theorist pussies like you who spout Russian propaganda at each and every opportunity. Oh, also in the link is documentation that your conspiracy theory originated in Russia.

Those who want to convince themselves otherwise are simply willfully ignoring the mountains of evidence. The only reason to do that is to admit the truth is to go up against the President's personal delusions.”

Those delusions, though, likely have as their origin Russian military intelligence itself. Buzzfeed took a deep look at the origins of the Ukraine conspiracy theory, noting that the CrowdStrike conspiracy theory first surfaced in Russian propaganda outlets Russia Today and Sputnik News. The theory then caught fire in the fever swamps of 4chan and reddit and morphed into what it is today.

And this is not some liberal political rag, but a trade organization for cybersecurity professionals.

Just the facts, ma'am.
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Old 02-24-2020, 07:31 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Still sticking with a Yahoo entertainment article?

Hey! If it's good enough for ellen....
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Old 02-24-2020, 07:43 PM   #158
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Is English your first language? Asking for a friend.

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Old 02-24-2020, 10:32 PM   #159
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Is English your first language? Asking for a friend.
Tell your friend they shouldn't be bashful and should ask for their self.

Plus, you still haven't answered one, simple, measly question. I said i'd entertain you at great depth and breadth once done.

P.S. the money is on the table if there was a specific Bill at the time of offer posting.
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Old 02-25-2020, 08:42 AM   #160
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Well little pb,
The reason I ask is because I answered your question - oh - about 5 times now and just was wondering what you do not understand about - Mexico is not paying for the wall.

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
Tell your friend they shouldn't be bashful and should ask for their self.

Plus, you still haven't answered one, simple, measly question. I said i'd entertain you at great depth and breadth once done.

P.S. the money is on the table if there was a specific Bill at the time of offer posting.
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Old 02-25-2020, 09:16 AM   #161
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Default I like mine short and sweet...

Originally Posted by Dev Null View Post
...Just the facts, ma'am.
I like my women short and sweet. Facts too.

Did you mention how that whole RUSSIAN hacking thing started? Could it have been started around March 10-16 2016 with spearphishing emails to the hillaryclinton.com email server? I vaguely recall the Federal Bureau of Matters mentioning something about that server owner. I dunno, being EXTREMELY CARELESS. Something like that. Anyways, spearphishing is not sophisticated and ID10Ts fall for it a bunch. (there's Johnny...)

Though I do still wonder who has images of that server (and the physical server) and of the generations of backups and the multiple archives of it? But then, I still wonder why the earliest mentioned date of any alleged RUSSIAN hack of the DNC and related is March 10th, 2016.

Just the facts, ma'am
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Old 02-25-2020, 05:43 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Well little pb,
The reason I ask is because I answered your question - oh - about 5 times now and just was wondering what you do not understand about - Mexico is not paying for the wall.
Okay. Think of this as a White House press conference. You know, maybe, that thing they haven't had for close to a year. Second part of my question, which you have not answered (I ain't going to question your comprehension skills) but ducked and weaved from. When are you going to admit trump lied?

You already know he lies. And using the lame excuse that not all campaign promise come true doesn't fly since he, to quote, PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire, out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial.

He is the opposite of the previous POTUS on delivering what he promises.

When are you going to admit he lied? He in-your-face lied about Mexico paying for the Wall. And saying it was just a campaign promise that didn't come true holds no salt since, quoting from the same source above, "It’s the trope on Trump: He’s authentic, a straight-talker, less scripted than traditional politicians. That’s because Donald Trump doesn’t let facts slow him down. Bending the truth or being unhampered by accuracy is a strategy he has followed for years."

Just say he lied and i'll relent. Especially since you lost $1,000 from me by admitting he lied by no delivery of the Wall via Mexico.
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Old 02-25-2020, 05:44 PM   #163
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...so who was this friend of yours, ellen?
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Old 02-25-2020, 06:27 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
I still wonder why the earliest mentioned date of any alleged RUSSIAN hack of the DNC and related is March 10th, 2016.
Wrong again. It was over a month later before the DNC hack occurred and over 3 months later before it was announced.


You might want to invest in a few brain cells and a bullshit detector.

In the meantime, anyone following Why Yes I Do posts, be aware that they are 99% bullshit. Most likely due to inherent dishonesty among his tribe, although it could also be because right-wing propaganda causes irreversible brain damage.
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Old 02-25-2020, 08:39 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by Dev Null View Post

In the meantime, anyone following Why Yes I Do posts, be aware that they are 99% bullshit. Most likely due to inherent dishonesty among his tribe, although it could also be because right-wing propaganda causes irreversible brain damage.
I think it's because he crashed and burned when he couldn't deliver on his promise of becoming the Alt-Right, instead earning Grammar Flunky title.
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