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....And the fact that Lusty Tard thinks you won some creative insult competition just goes to show how tiny his little brain is.
Still butt-hurt about it, aintcha sewer rat? It really bugs the shit out of you that you can't even keep up with Rey on a hooker board and have to plagiarize all of his insults. A doorknob is more creative than you are, cocksucker. You're a witless serial loser. I would say "get over it" but I know you'll never stop being a loser in everything you do.
Still butt-hurt about it, aintcha sewer rat? It really bugs the shit out of you that you can't even keep up with Rey on a hooker board and have to plagiarize all of his insults. A doorknob is more creative than you are, cocksucker. You're a witless serial loser. I would say "get over it" but I know you'll never stop being a loser in everything you do.
The only time Ray is in anyone's headlights is to lap him once again. That boy is one slow retard.
You haven't forgotten, have you, that because WTF is an admitted racist he insists that everyone .... as in EVERYONE .... ELSE .... IS A RACIST...... ????
He seems to judge everyone else by his own standards.
Since he is a _______________________."they" are! (Fill in the blank)
You haven't forgotten, have you, that because WTF is an admitted racist he insists that everyone .... as in EVERYONE .... ELSE .... IS A RACIST...... ????
He seems to judge everyone else by his own standards.
You haven't forgotten, have you, that because WTF is an admitted racist he insists that everyone .... as in EVERYONE .... ELSE .... IS A RACIST...... ????
He seems to judge everyone else by his own standards.
I've given you the material with proof we are all racist, agist , sexist....
If you are not capable of comprehending the might have to do with your old age!
We are all racist BT, even you. It is the one's that do not understand this fact that do not have the ability to confront that fact. .
Sad, of course, because we indeed are all a bit racist (and sexist, and ageist). There is power in knowing, fortunately. Those gut feelings do well up from time to time—you walk through town late at night, a tall black man approaches, you feel like crossing the street, and you realize you wouldn't have this feeling this if the man were white. See these gut reactions for what they are: Responses you've acquired from too much exposure to your culture. What's important is ultimately not what you feel, but how you deal with those responses, how you transcend them to meet your neighbor as a real human being rather than as a member of a category.
You're absolutely right. We all have a smidgen of racism within ourselves it's simply part of the human condition. Anyone who thinks they are exempt are fooling themselves.
We all have a smidgen of racism within ourselves it's simply part of the human condition. Anyone who thinks they are exempt are fooling themselves.
An assumption (in the example) is that the person would cross the street also if the person approaching was a small Black man, and that "assumption" cannot be made.
Another problem is who defines how much is a "smidgen" and their motivation for doing so, not to mention whether the "smidgen" is sufficient to cause an action or reaction.
An additional problem is also disclosed by the example .. is the "assumption" that the person who is the focus of the article is a "White Person" toward whom the "tall Black man" is walking AND that if the person being addressed is Black the person would not cross the street as the "tall Black man" is walking toward the person ....
The example is itself is based on the racism of the author..
It proves that he should have done something different had he not wanted to get fired.
Yes he could have done something different. He could have used an effective technique that wouldn't have drawn so much attention. The clip below is an example of how to use a pressure point called the Mandibular angle which through pain compliance enables an officer to effectively remove an unruly subject from a chair.