Originally Posted by Netx9
So what? Why do you care enough to keep posting about it?
... Unless you want to impact it...
Thank-you for asking.
I believe it is important for information to flow...
at times that information is in regards to to changes that come over ladies in our midst. Good Providers go bad...... changes happen the longer a woman remains involved in this..... Is tha what is happening here?... I don't know.... It seems so.... time will tell....
How many times do we see ladies point to guys and their posting styles? You do it as well to others.
Why should she not be submitted to the same scrutiny?
A seemingly stable and well written provider implodes one day and ends up accusing others of trying to out her, shares information about a client gleamed from a session she did with that client with her BF Du Jour who then posts the personal stuff he should know nothing about here in a public forum in an attempt to embarrass/humiliate the guy basically in an attempt to stand up for and defend the lady.....
She throws a fit and goes to the Mods.. when that doesn't work to teh Admin and although she gets what she wants, she still contacts me wanting me to renew my crusade against the staff.....
As it all plays out she tells the world about her special illness involving a weakened immune system and talks about how easy it is for her to contract a life threatening disease..... and a week or two later she is taking 7 dicks in every orifice as they come out of other orifices.... I think some might want to know what was done to protect her and make sure condoms were changed throughout..... as well as why risk such a potentially dangerous activity after discussing how fragile her immune system is?
We get new people here ever day..... some have not seen the story... others will come along later..... as people take interest in her and search for information these stories will be found....
They will read her words....
The opinions of others.....
And they will make an informed decision on the choice they make....
I understand for you this is a place to flirt and feel like you matter to the ladies..... In reality your wallet does...... just like mine..... not much more.....
When guys like you are effective and convince some member to shut up.... It stifles the flow of information.... It allows those that, perhaps, have issues that should have them remove themselves stay in the midst of things....
You ask a lot of questions...... Do you answer as well?
Information of a personal nature regarding Savak that was known to SG as a result of a session they did was shared with RR who posted it during this debacle.....
Why does that not concern you? If it goes unnoticed why should she not feel her actions are acceptable?
You are a hobbyist...... If some guy that is fucking one of these girls that you have seen gets pissy and posts information of a personal nature about you here on the board are you simply going to accept it?
As I have said before sir.
Thank-you for your participation. Without questions like yours in threads like these it's more difficult to keep the subject matter in the public eye so that others can be informed.