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Old 07-02-2017, 10:12 PM   #136
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Francisca, post #36: MANY MANY Providers have reported he is a danger to this comunity, (that’s spelled community) thus the reason he was dismissed from being a mod within ap2/3 days. Sorry but that statement is a lie. Any member don’t believe me, ask one of the Mods. Now you MF White Knights, you don’t get to pick and choose what she says is the truth or a lie. Either everything she says is a lie or it’s all true. That’s the way it is. Last year when this false accusation was made, you were going around picking and choosing and not taking everything she said as the truth. You Wks that are doing that, you are intellectually DISHONEST. Let’s move on shall we?

Now, by his posts in the welcome wagon, he preys on the naive ladies starting out. Welcoming members is preying on naive ladies? What about the gentlemen I welcome, do I prey on them also or should we just ignore them because it does not fit your narrative? What naive ladies are you referring to? Can we have their names and the guys names also please and how I preyed on them?

Some might think threads such as this one are unimportant, I personally think they are a total waste of bandwidth and a distraction from the purpose of this site. but as a provider, I know that a negative post/ alert on this Doc Dock, increases the chances that a new provider starting out in this comunity will not have the misfortune of seeing this dangerous hobbyist.

-Harrases for bbfs An interesting claim. MF says I harass her for bbfs but it never happened.. BBBJ ONLY! See: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1803012 post #15 So I’m calling you out as misrepresenting the facts of what happened. However, you say you have proof? Great!!! Would that proof be the video I understand your making of your encounters without the gentlemen’s knowledge? PLEASE RELEASE THAT VIDEO SO WE CAN SEE WHO IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH HERE? Unfortunately, we will never see the video because it would expose MF as a phoney and one who does not tell the truth. So how about some audio recordings of our meetings? No proof there either? Darn, looks like another he said/she said waste of time.

-He is a thief. Will pay whatever rate HE decides to pay a lady.

-Owes me $500
Really? How did the number change from $100 to $500? Let’s look at post #15 in this thread, a post MF never disputed. https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1803012

Now, if I am READING this correctly then Doc Holyday took Ms. Francesca out for a dinner date and he SHORTED HER $100!! Her stated fee is $500 for a dinner date (not to include the cost of dinner) and he deliberately SHORTED HER... This is THEFT. Where did the other $400 come from? Oh when you make false allegations, a tangled web you weave.

Francisca, post #65: Dick Doc, as long as you troll eccie, the fine ladies of this comunity will never let anyone forget, or go uninformed of your dangerous MO. I will assume form the female members posting here you refer to yourself, Majesty and Luxie. Majesty and Luxie both of whom I have never met. So we are back to you and your trolling.

Here is an interesting thread: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1797648

Post #11 in that thread: Congratulations Doc!!! I am glad you have found a place on this board where your bs is welcomed. I truly hope you do take the time to learn, maybe you will last a little longer here than you did in San Antnio, although, it doesn't take long for your reputation to catch up. Also glad you realize you have a lot to learn, and hope that one of those lessons is that ladies do not appreciate when a hobbyist ignores her posted rates and takes it upon himself to decide how much her time is worth. Anyway, congrats and good luck to you and all the west tx comunity. I am sure I can speak for most in the San Antonio area.... Better you guys than us! Very interesting, I ignore your rates but you saw me twice but I ignore your rates? Sure it happened. That’s why you saw me twice right? Also note, no mention of BBFS BS!!

Francisca, post #19: Jessica, My last public post regarding Doc was 4 days ago. Well what have we here? My goal was to have him removed as a moderator. Goal was accomplished. Honestly, I was done. Really your done? It’s a year later and your still at it!!! He is now contacting members and spreading rumors that I was treated for an STD.....Actually, you were contacting members telling them I gave you an STD. Keep it straight I only responded. At least I have the balls to speak publicly. And everything I have said have been facts that I was able to back up. Really? How do you back up what you were paid or as you claim, not paid? Why would you see someone a second time if you were shorted??? You never answered that question a year ago because the truth is you would NOT but you did therefore, your version of the facts does not hold up when the light of truth and intellectual honesty are shined on your claim. Again, I had let this go several days ago, It was Doc that has now continued and posted....Also, I know your feelings towards hobbyists that request bareback; unless you make exceptions for those that are "respectful" That’s a very, very interesting statement MF. So you admit you “make exceptions for those that are respectful.” Doc was also respectful with me in his initial contact..... Doesn't change the fact that he is a danger to the ladies in this hobby.

On a last note, MF started all this the FIRST time 3 months after it allegedly happened. I’m asking the ladies to think about that a moment. If some member “shorted” you, would you wait 3 months to say “Hey, member X shorted me? Of course you wouldn’t, Gentlemen, I HIGHLY suggest you also stay away from this member. You can see from her posts what a threat she is to this community. I would go on further about the danger posed by MF but you gentlemen are sharp enough to form your own conclusions from her posting in this thread and all the other various threads about this same subject. Now, I am done with this troll nonsense!!!! Scotty, beam me up!
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Old 07-02-2017, 10:18 PM   #137
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I am not in east Texas Doc that is just where I claimed to be . If you want we can meet in person. You asked the WROOOOOONG Lady for BBFS. So take your troll ass elsewhere Name the time and place you want to meet Doc. Come on Doc BRING IT .Your are a danger to this site an community. Everyone already knows you are irreverent to this site. just give it up,and Stop your childish behavior. You got called out deal with it. Not even the Mods will defend you , Your LAME buddy. Take your bare backing ass else where. No body wants you here. You are like naval lent. Flick it off and your gone. BYE.
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Old 07-02-2017, 10:25 PM   #138
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I am not in east Texas Doc that is just where I claimed to be . If you want we can meet in person. You asked the WROOOOOONG Lady for BBFS. So take your troll ass elsewhere Name the time and place you want to meet Doc. Come on Doc BRING IT .Your are a danger to this site an community. Everyone already knows you are irreverent to this site. just give it up,and Stop your childish behavior. You got called out deal with it. Not even the Mods will defend you , Your LAME buddy. Take your bare backing ass else where. No body wants you here. You are like naval lent. Flick it off and your gone. BYE.
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Old 07-02-2017, 10:43 PM   #139
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Give me a minute to respond..... need to 1st, stop laughing and 2nd tear up your idiotic response word for word.

BTW.....Have not read your post in detail, but, as far as videos or recordings etc.... I have been in the hobby coMMunity (I will also make sure to correct your grammer mistakeS) 17 years. The only thing anyone can or has accused me of is speaking my mind.
17yrs sir not 1 complaint from any hobbyist, impecable reputation as a provider. Good luck someone believing I run my business in any other manner than 100% honestly.

Be back in a few Dic Doc Marshmallow
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Old 07-02-2017, 10:48 PM   #140
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Uggg scrap doc wrote an essay... all i got to say in my broken spanish... mas pinche drama. I wish this was taken place someplace else. Its not good for anyone now... why the mods alow this is unreal.

If all this is true and all thos it took place in SA take the shit the drama to san antonio where it belongs. I see this started with franchisca who is not a rgv provider...i dont care whos besty she is it does not belong here. Neither do any outsiders.. Im tired of it your destroying what little we have in deep south texas. We only have yessica amber anderia and the dolls working mcallen. It be easier to pm them with your warning then put the board to this shit. Like i said ive enjoyed talking to majesty but the rest is just garbage. And honest so what... have you all seen how many providers do bb service now... Go to SA Austin do not be dumb guys you know im right. I say enough is enough.. yeyou shot at doc he shot back.. so tomorrow you shoot again. Big fucking deal..
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Old 07-02-2017, 11:03 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by Ms Francisca View Post
Give me a minute to respond..... need to 1st, stop laughing and 2nd tear up your idiotic response word for word.

BTW.....Have not read your post in detail, but, as far as videos or recordings etc.... I have been in the hobby coMMunity (I will also make sure to correct your grammer mistakeS) 17 years. The only thing anyone can or has accused me of is speaking my mind.
17yrs sir not 1 complaint from any hobbyist, impecable reputation as a provider. Good luck someone believing I run my business in any other manner than 100% honestly.

Be back in a few Dic Doc Marshmallow
Cant wait to read this.
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Old 07-02-2017, 11:08 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
Don’t know who the other 3 ladies are but rest assured YOU are on my DNS list!! Why? Because I am not into unattractive drama Queen trolls. BUT I'LL PUT IT LIKE THIS. BBFS HAPPENS ALOT BUT WHEN THIS NASTY ASS KEEPS HOUNDING GIRLS FOR IT ALL THE TIME AND THEN TO LOWER THEIR RATE AT THAT, MAKES THIS COMMUNITY LESS SAFE FOR US LADIES. You seem to have personal knowledge of BBFS. May I direct the members to this post by you: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2099636 for those of you who don’t want to waste time clicking the link, here is the thread title : “Tight pregnant pussy!! Cum get it boys!” Well I think that says it all. No question your engaging in BBFS!!! Oh how the truth hurts don’t it Majesty. You’re a danger to the community!! Your “nasty ass” is engaging in BBFS!!! Your words, NOT mine! I'D POST ALL THE THINGS HE HAS PM'D ME AND TEXT ME IN THE PAST, HOWEVER I WILL NOT POST IT HERE. DON'T NEED ANOTHER 6 MONTH BAN OVER THIS NONSENSE. BUT IT'S ABOUT TIME HE GETS CALLED OUT FOR BEING A DIRTY BASTARD. Wrong again, I know who my father was. I’m glad I had him around as many years as I did. My only regret is he never had the opportunity to see me graduate from law school. I'D SAY MORE BUT THIS RIGHT HERE SHOULD BE ENOUGH. Oh it’s enough alright but obviously it isn’t enough. You continue to troll on!!! WANT MORE INFO THEN MESSAGE ME. IF HE WANTS DENY IT, Yeah I deny it. I will be happy to have a DNA test to prove the child is not mine. Also since you admit here we never met, how did we engage in BBFS? We DIDN’T!!!! THAT'S FINE BUT I HAVE PROOF OF THESE ACCUSATIONS. SCREENSHOTS ARE A BITCH! Send me the screen shots, I would love to see them. Also let’s get that DNA test and prove you are wrong about the BBFS. HAPPY HOBBYING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! At least, we do agree on that statement.

ONE MORE THING. WHEN HE WAS A MOD FOR THOSE FEW SHORT DAYS, HE WOULD THREATEN THE LADIES WITH BANNING THEM IF HE DIDN'T GET WHAT HE WANTS WHICH IS OF COURSE BBFS. Send me the screen shots on that and also forward them to Admin. Such proof should get me banned. That is your agenda correct? IT NEVER HAPPENED. Where and who are those members I threatened? Let me guess, that would be you Francisca and Luxie?? THAT'S PROBABLY WHY HE WRITES THE REVIEWS HE WRITES BECAUSE HE PROBABLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS. SO DISGUSTING. Hey Majesty, this sounds like a self admission that you have been provided access to ROS content. What WK is providing you his password or showing you ROS material? Also, since your pregnant, you must have engaged in BBFS. Does that make you disgusting?

Majesty, post #37: HE'S ALREADY TRIED TO PLEAD HIS CASE TO MY FRIEND WHO JUST GOT BACK ON THIS BOARD TELLING HER THAT I'M DRAMA, ETC... AND HE'S RIGHT WE NEVER MET. Another admission we have never met. Wow but I engaged in BBFS with you. You’re a JOKE!! Also worthy to note, an admission that she is disclosing conversations with her “friend” on here. You just proved your also another kind of threat to the community. Your outing private conversations between members. Gentlemen, if she will out conversations with her “friend,” it is only logical to conclude that she will certainly disclose anything you say in her presence. Majesty, you appear to be cut from the same cloth as that member up in Dallas whose handle was VI (I think). Anyway, the member was secretly videoing meetings with her clients then releasing them on Porn Hub. BTW Majesty, she was barebacking clients to, just like you.

Majesty, post #42: AND FOR THE RECORD, BBFS HAS NEVER BEEN AN OPTION FOR ME. BBBJ YES BUT NEVER FULL SERVICE. Really? How did you claim to have got pregnant, immaculate conception?

This will be the last nonsense post of yours I will respond to. I have better things to do with my time than respond to blatant lies. First, your "source does not exist so of course you are not going to reveal the "source." Who was the provider? I have no power to evict a resident from an apartment complex because I do not manage or own any multi family unit property. There is something called standing to file a Forcible Detainer suit. I would have to own or manage the apartment complex. I neither own any apartments or manage any apartment properties. Therefore, your allegation is FALSE! If you have proof I own or manage apartments, please provide that to the membership.

Also calling me a “Psycho” is a GL violation. GL #16 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member. Pardon me but did a Mod. warn or point this member for this violation? I doubt it. Could someone from Admin. check on that please?

Majesty, you are nothing short of a proven hypocrite!!! You are a proven troll. I suggest that all male members stay as far away from this woman as they can. She has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that she, in her own words, “ makes this community less safe.” Majesty’s posting history is that of a person that will be looking for a member to claim as the father of this child she is pregnant with. I welcome her pointing the finger at me!! That brings us to my OLD accuser, Francisca.
Let me start off by saying that I never said you BBFS me. I have text messages where you wanted to see me exclusively and if I would be with you bare. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I offer BBFS. That is something I will never do and I have never done in this hobby. I would never put myself or my unborn child at risk with BBFS. And don't worry who about who the father of my child is because it's not a hobbyists. Since you wanna be nosy Rosie, it's nobody on this board. I do have a private life outside of this hobby just like everyone else does. You posting this shit, you still sound dumb. You're dumber than a box of rocks.
As for WKing going on, that has always happened here on this board. You have no room to talk because you are a WK yourself I'm sure. And don't act like you've hounded girls for BBFS. You asked a provider (who's no longer on this board) for BBFS and wanted to father her next child. You are fucking sick in the head. You got your chones in a wad because you know you screwed up and there's proof to back it up. I have already proven what you have done and thank God we'll never cross paths. Nice try by trying to twist shit around.
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Old 07-02-2017, 11:11 PM   #143
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Be back in a few Dic Doc Marshmallow

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Old 07-02-2017, 11:16 PM   #144
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Doc if you haven't realized what all or most of this community wants is to see this over your avatar is, here is a clue buddy.

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Old 07-02-2017, 11:35 PM   #145
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This thread is not about Majesty's upcoming visits. There is already a thread started about that. This thread is also not about "Texaslee". There is already a thread about that as well.

Stay on topic, please.
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Old 07-02-2017, 11:42 PM   #146
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No this thread alot of bs and name calling and drama. Take it SA WHERE IT BELONGS.
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Old 07-02-2017, 11:48 PM   #147
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Originally Posted by Mokoa View Post
This thread is not about Majesty's upcoming visits. There is already a thread started about that. This thread is also not about "Texaslee". There is already a thread about that as well.

Stay on topic, please.
It's also not about who the father of my baby is either *smh*
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Old 07-03-2017, 12:00 AM   #148
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Wow, that was extremely anticlimactic..

Lot of it written in third person.. again!
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Old 07-03-2017, 12:05 AM   #149
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One if these days ol silvester91999 is gonna ask for this thread to be closed.. but not today.. lmao..
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Old 07-03-2017, 12:19 AM   #150
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And i thought eccie was about fucking hot chicks and wrighting about our adventures... guess not.. its becoming a soap opera.

I told you in the beginning this thread has no real place or end. Majesty you knew he was going to come back at you. Little low but expected. Since your pg.. tomorrow something will be written back by all the guys that doc wrote his essay about and then doc will respond. And then probably our SA provider will then say something then it will start over. And our mods worried about texaslee or visits or cussing... thats nice so the soap opera continues. To no end.

Figure it out he aint gona leave and neither are you all so unless the mod closses it or somone shots a death shot this thread has no end...

I think you all in CC need to get together and iron out your problems alone. Maybe thats why alot of providers are choosing to skip South texas. Sucks because i for one enjoy eccie and try to respect everyone.

Looks like the shootout at the ok coral or eccie coral continues...
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