Originally Posted by bo1966
as someone who spent many years in the marine Corp. I'd like to give you a map out of the country and another to my ass so you can find the juiciest part and kiss it. Have you ever done anything for your country or just bitch about it and something that hasn't even happened yet.
2 things. If you voted for a guy that just insulted his way to the white house and bragged about sexually assaulting women you have NO credibility. As far your service where were you when the Republicans where carrying out acts of Treason, Sedition, and Obstructionism during the Obama Presidency? Where you touting your service then or where you happily going along with the program? Obama did a lot for his country prior to being elected POTUS but let me ask you where did that get him in the eyes of Republicans?
You need to think about that before you go popping off at the mouth.