Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Ladies and Gentlemen this is not rocket science here. Most men can cum the first time in less than 15 minutes on an off day take 30 minutes. Why on earth would we want an hour long session unless we had an opportunity to bust a second one off or at least try. So you providers that only allow one better give one hell of a massage or only off 15 min and 30 minutes sessions. This is my opinion and I approve this message.
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
It was a young provider from Dallas and I love to fool around a little before the 1st burst. When I had got done with the first goal and then she was cuddling with me and after a while I said ok lets crank it back up and she goes I am not MSOG. Cherry Poppin from Dallas her web page said MSOG and she said oh I have not been on there in a while. Instead of just laying there without anymore play time I said can I get a refund down to just the half and hour and she did. For me I am just what is the point of an hr session and less I can at least try for more o's on both sides.
Sounds like you just need to write an honest review of the lady, rather than make a broad assumption that most providers are like this. If there is a pattern, gents will avoid her if she does not respond to the needs and desires of her customers.
Perhaps you are younger, but I don't know too many serious hobbyists that pop in the first 15 minutes. . .most of us need at least an hour if not longer. . .of course the downside, for me anyway, is while I have stamina and endurance, I rarely achieve MSOG with out a sandwich, a drink, and some rest.
Just my 2 cents, but I learned to understand my body, and then manage my session with that knowledge. If I want MSOG, I go for longer sessions with a break figured in. Otherwise, I do my best to use some tantric control, until the hour is about up.
I would agree with you that it seems like there are a few younger providers out there that might try to go for just an HHR for the rate of HR, by getting a guy to pop ASAP, but I would not consider them GFE, hence the purpose for us writing reviews so that data can reveal patterns and we can avoid quick tug job artists.
Of course, this reminds me of a guy I once knew that paid for some plumbing service to be done at his home. He saw that they charged him for an hour even though the job took less than 15 minutes. When they refused to adjust the rate on his bill, he refused to sign the invoice and handed them a rake and pointed at his leaf covered front yard.
I guess if a young lady made you pop that quick and you still had 45 minutes and she indicated that she wasn't MSOG and seemed reluctant to cuddle or do other things for your remaining time, you could always ask her to tidy up your hotel room, but I doubt that would go over very well!