Challenge for any LE reading this
I am going on the assumption that LE is reading this and perhaps I am making a mistake but I dont think so.
Mr LE Please leave the hobby alone I challenge you to leave the hobby alone . I challenge you To train your officers to be caring individuals who can identify women children and yes even men who are being abused. I challenge you to arrest those who are abusing instead of being their buddies and letting them go. How many more women and children have to die or or taken beatings because you are more focused on the "hobby"? I know you are thinking well they can leave if they chose to that you get tired of being called to same address time and time again because the man or woman is beating the crap out of their victim that you get tired ot the paperwork that goes along with it. I understand that you dont have a clue really what is going on and that you feel like it is a waste of your time when you could be doing something else. Well let me tell you from experience. You as officers can stop it . If you would just pause , listen pay attention to what the victim is saying. Yes you may get called back time and time again until the victim gets enough but if you treat each call with compassion and understanding then you might actually save the victim the innocent woman /child/in some cases male.
You cannot stop the hobby you cannot save those who chose to get involved. It is for the most part a victimless crime. ONe that you are wasting hard earned tax payer dollar on trying to stop. You can take all the man power that you are spending on trying to stop the hobby and spend it on helping the true victims of this state. You know that woman who has been raped, the innocent child whose care giver has beaten it or forced sex on it or the woman whose boyfriend, husband has beat her until she is almost dead or wishes she was. If you have the technology to get involved in the hobby surely you have the techonology to stop crimes against women and children and some men (sorry but there are some men are who are abused and I want to be fair)who are being abused.
A final reminder Mr LE those 20 plus women who were part of the Clothes line project at the State Capital this year who died at the hand of their abusers didnt have to die. You know it and I know it. They died because the officers were called didnt do their jobs right they stopped caring , stopped listening, etc... We cant bring those women back but if you as officers of the law spent more time on saving lives and less time on stopping this hobby then Maybe just maybe there will be less women on that Clothes line next year if you take my challenge.
Ex of your failure to do your jobs and one that has gone to the Supreme Court: The Oates vs Camlin case. A perfect example of what you should be doing. Those children are still being abused on going because you are more focused on the hobby then saving lives.
Yes this is my soap box and I will stop for now Sorry for any of those I offended.
I would love to hear others in put on here. Moderators I hope this wasnt too offensive
Ms Sassy
Proud to be Domestic Violence Survivor