Originally Posted by randyrogue
I think a judge once said he could not define porn, but that he knew it when he saw it. The judge has limits which he will apply as law.
In the community, are there limits to the trash which can be heaped on a member with impunity?
Is it name calling?
Threats either veiled or overt?
What are the limits beyond which MOD's will intervene?
Just wondering if there has been any attempt to define some boundaries.
Best regards,
Our number one focus is to allow discussions to take place, we do not judge the content of the discussion taking place as long as it is within the guidelines of an adult board about hobby issues.
We may at times agree with a discussion, and often we look on some threads and ask ourselves WTF? but we do not censure thought or expression based upon our personal likes and dislikes.
What causes us to close the majority of threads is when the members start name calling and antagonizing each other, loosing all sense of the original discussion.
What will draw our attention is members who constantly bait other members into an argument, or members becoming disrespectful to other members or Staff. This behavior will not be tolerated and perhaps a new place will be best suited for those who can not play well with others.
RR hope this clears up your worry.