Debbie, it sounds like you love what you do but are just exhausted by "the now"
I say:
#1 Fire one of the undepedable ones and let EVERYONE on your crew know it.
alone could change your whole dynamic (to easier)
#2 If that doesn't work, fire ALL of the undependable ones; then see how you feel.
If once the "machine" is running fine again and you
still feel burned out, then yeah, maybe a short Va'cay is needed. (Taking one too soon could worsen things as the troops become even more chaotic when left alone)
#3 If that doesn't work, close up shop for an extended break...and see if you miss it.
If you miss it, re-shape your biz back into the model that made you happy in days gone by, it will make you happy again.
If you don't miss it, maybe it
is time to move on (until you do, if ever). At least you tried all the other approaches first to make sure you wont feel regret.
Best of Wishes!