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The Sandbox - New Orleans The Sandbox is a collection of off-topic discussions. Humorous threads, Sports talk, and a wide variety of other topics can be found here. If it's NOT an adult-themed topic, then it belongs here

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Old 08-07-2012, 05:25 PM   #1
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Default HR 6357 - US Government Proposes Law Making It Illegal For Them To Kill You

Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357 a bill*which aims to ‘prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States*citizens’ by the federal government. In other words, in the Land of*the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from*indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

Now if this doesn’t give one reason to pause and consider the*distortions of liberty that have taken place in western civilization,*I don’t know what will. Think about it:

Does a free society send government hit men to eliminate anyone they*perceive to be an enemy of the state?
Does a free society have hundreds of police agencies, each with the*authority to deprive a man of his life, liberty and property in their*sole discretion?
Does a free society have hundreds of thousands of laws, codes, rules,*regulations, and policies which effectively criminalize nearly every*aspect of one’s existence?
Does a free society lead the world in prison population?
Does a free society hunt down criminals and terrorists by treating its*citizens like criminals and terrorists?
Does a free society tell its citizens what foods they are not*allowed to consume?
Does a free society steal your money at gunpoint to buy bombs that*they drop by remote control on brown people in faraway lands?
Does a free society debase its currency and plunder the purchasing*power of its citizens?
Does a free society saddle unborn generations with obligations they*never signed up to bear?
Does a free society award near total control of the economy, the money*supply, and everything tied to it, to a tiny elite few?
Does a free society brainwash its citizens into believing that they*live in a free society? (at least the Chinese know they’re not*free…)
Ask yourself, are you really living in a free society? Are you free?*If not, why not? What else could possibly be more important?

It takes courage to answer honestly. But once you realize the truth*and begin to see the system for what it is, it can be a liberating and*life-changing experience.

You’ll find that there are places where you can live free in this*world. There are ways to preserve your dignity, your privacy, your*livelihood. You’ll find that you can build great camaraderie and*mutual trust with like-minded souls because you share the same values,*not the same color passport.

My guess is that you’re reading this because you’ve already started*down the road to freedom. But you might feel alone… intellectually*isolated in a sea of automatons.

You’re not alone. More and more people are waking up every day and*beginning to realize the incredible fraud that has been perpetrated*against them. When enough of them figure it out, this system will be*finished.

That’s why I fundamentally believe that today is one of the most*exciting times to be alive since the French Revolution. And we’re just*getting warmed up.

If you have any friends or loved ones who still exemplify that*self-deluded, bombastic serf mentality, I encourage you to pass this*along to them… and challenge them to answer honestly.

Sent from my iPhone 4S
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