No matter how hard she tried, she could not break him of his World Of Warcraft addiction
W: "Are you watching porn back there?"
M: "No, I'm just....checking my bank statements."
He seemed oblivious to her advances. She hinted, suggested, made advances at work. Finally she decided to get aggressive and make the first move. For some reason, no matter how hard she tried it seemed like he just didn't understand that she was interested in him...
M: "Hold on, I'm just updating my Facebook page. I just 'Liked' you "
W: Every time he fucks with my laptop, I get infected with a nasty virus.
W: "Are you sure this is the correct way to load Windows 7 ?"
Geek Squad barter patrol.
M: What a welcome change! Usually my computer makes
me take it in the ass.
W: "Remember, you promised to write me a review."
M "I'm working on it as we speak."

Before every great fortune was made, a crime was usually involved.