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Old 05-14-2010, 12:03 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by TxBrandy View Post
so many times the strings are busted. It will always be controversial with some agreeing and some disagreeing.
It can't be all that controversial since there are sites like providerbuzz and dz411 that already exist. If you're talking about a review in the way that guys do reviews, you are really asking for a headache. Do you really want to write a glowing review of a client and find out you bruised the egos of half of your client base? I'm sure guys would take their reviews (or lack thereof) no less personally than providers do.

The hobbyist world is no different, there are some natural double standards and in some areas it is equal.
I think guys would readily accept equality across the board if that equality included an equal chance of being paid for the session.

I know there are dozens of alerts on gents that are well known and verified as OK.

Even though we are the "merchandise" it doesn't mean we don't have a say on who we decide to be intimate with.
If you know there are dozens of alerts on guys who are verified as ok, don't you already have what a review would tell you?
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Old 05-14-2010, 05:27 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by npita View Post
It can't be all that controversial since there are sites like providerbuzz and dz411 that already exist. If you're talking about a review in the way that guys do reviews, you are really asking for a headache. Do you really want to write a glowing review of a client and find out you bruised the egos of half of your client base? I'm sure guys would take their reviews (or lack thereof) no less personally than providers do.
I say it is controversial because there have been many discussion threads about this just on this site with pros and cons from different individuals... ad nauseum (or however you spell that). Perhaps it is just controversial on this board. The ladies will not be writing a review so much as writing down a reference. We really don't care about the size of Mr. Willy or how awesome you are in bed. We want to know if you are safe and if other ladies have had any problems (habitual NC/NS, time waster, short changing, etc). It is not a review like the guys write reviews.

Originally Posted by npita View Post
I think guys would readily accept equality across the board if that equality included an equal chance of being paid for the session.
If you advertised yourself as a male escort, yes you would have an equal chance to be paid for a session.

Originally Posted by npita View Post
If you know there are dozens of alerts on guys who are verified as ok, don't you already have what a review would tell you?
No, all some of these sites say are "okay", not "okay with caution", no recommendations as far as if a lady would see him again, and not enough information is given about the quality of the person (NOT the physical activities, but the person). It can still change from one lady to another. Nice to me, mean to another. What we would look for in that case is a trend, either good or bad so that we can make an educated decision as to whether we would accept the risk that this person is actually okay or misbehaves.
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Old 05-14-2010, 05:54 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by TxBrandy View Post
Men can walk around shirtless whereas women would get arrested.
In NY state women can go topless in public park, as log as they say they are protesting that men can and they can not. Yet all kind of rules for strip club. The case was called "Tree Top Seven" Monroe Cty NY. Silly but ture.

To be reviewed. Part of me says yes. Another part says no way. Maybe if the looks was the ROS. And what is in ROS be in the open for all to see.
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Old 05-15-2010, 01:42 PM   #34
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Default OK, review them all!

goofed. see the one posted after I edited it!
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Old 05-15-2010, 01:49 PM   #35
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Default OK, review them all!

At first thought I said no way. But after some consideration I now say the idea is a good one. I have no problem with being reviewed. And if a provider says "No, xyx Lady said she wouldn't see you again and that means I won't see you!". I can live with that as a hobbyist.
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Old 05-15-2010, 04:12 PM   #36
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I can't believe this still comes up.

1) It exists today in the form of vouching for references & UTR DNS lists

2) It is not commercially viable for any board that charges subscriptions to men (the reviewed) & is bad business for the ladies to be honest in reviews (beyond he was safe and paid as promised). How do I put this? A man's ego is fragile. Some of the most fragile of egos are the best customers.

3) Some of the men here seem to want affirmation about their prowess. Can I suggest there is a business opportunity for somebody. Offer a session followed by a glowing review that strokes his ego? Hell, people pay a couple bucks a minute for phone sex. Why not say $50 or $100 for a well written review? Hey, forget the actual session why not a well written fantasy story for a little extra?
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Old 05-15-2010, 04:21 PM   #37
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lol great point
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Old 05-15-2010, 04:58 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by atlcomedy View Post
3) Some of the men here seem to want affirmation about their prowess. Can I suggest there is a business opportunity for somebody. Offer a session followed by a glowing review that strokes his ego? Hell, people pay a couple bucks a minute for phone sex. Why not say $50 or $100 for a well written review? Hey, forget the actual session why not a well written fantasy story for a little extra?

Well said.


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Old 05-17-2010, 01:43 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by TxBrandy View Post
We want to know if you are safe and if other ladies have had any problems (habitual NC/NS, time waster, short changing, etc). It is not a review like the guys write reviews.
I thought that was the point of sites like providerbuzz and dz411, but to name two.
If you advertised yourself as a male escort, yes you would have an equal chance to be paid for a session.
If I were a male escort, I wouldn't expect to post reviews of clients as that would seem to be a bad business decision. I think the word that applies is discretion. The providers I know who are successful value discretion a great deal because they know their clients value discretion.
No, all some of these sites say are "okay", not "okay with caution", no recommendations as far as if a lady would see him again, and not enough information is given about the quality of the person (NOT the physical activities, but the person). It can still change from one lady to another. Nice to me, mean to another. What we would look for in that case is a trend, either good or bad so that we can make an educated decision as to whether we would accept the risk that this person is actually okay or misbehaves.
How does that differ from the reviews you propose? If a client has 10 reviews from different providers, wouldn't that be the same as going to providerbuzz or dz411 and getting that same information (except that on a dns site, you can post without worrying too much that a client will read it?)
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Old 05-17-2010, 02:34 PM   #40
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I think it would actually work in the hobbyists favor. If a gent has 10 "reviews" and 9 say he was great, 1 says "I had a bad time with him", a provider would be able to easily see that that one provider might have an axe to grind, and he would more than likely be OK. On the other hand, if a gent has 8 "He was rough with me"' notations and 2 that said "He was OK", she knows that there is a good chance he would be rough with her.
There have been times that providers have posted fake alerts on a gent when they feel they've been wronged, and just as a fake review hurts a provider, a fake alert can lead to being on most providers "do not see" lists. This is not good for any of us.
I know many times after a gent has left my apartment I've thought if I had any idea he was that way in a session I weould never have scheduled with him.
I always give the entire story when I give a reference. I tell the provider exactly-good, bad, and whatever-what our session was like.
I think it's a great idea for the hobbyist and provider to be well informed.

Although many gents don't like it, when it all comes down to it-we providers make the final decision as to who we allow to be intimate with.

Just as the gents like to say-"There's many many providers for me to choose from", well, there are many many many many many gents that call, and we providers certainly...have our pick.
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Old 05-17-2010, 02:58 PM   #41
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Default One reason reviewing could be a bad idea

I don't care what the human attribute is, its degree is measurable on a bell curve. We could be talking about height, honesty, or a zillion other things.

By definition, relatively few people are on the far right of any such curves.

Pretend you are rating clients 1-10 with 5.5 being average. The overwhelming preponderance of clients are going to fall in the 4-7 range; with few in the 1-3 or 8-10 range.

Well, if I were a provider I sure know who I would want to see! Those clients in the 8-10 range!

But here is the problem. You see a client and you give him a 10.

Well, once that review floats up there; another provider sees it. She has a couple of "4" clients that she wouldn't mind replacing with a "10."

Pretty soon that "10" client is inundated with invitations from other providers. Some might even offer him discounts up front before ever seeing him the first time.Mr. 10 becomes a hot commodity as a client.

Guess what? Unless you developed something pretty special with that client, he's unlikely to be back. His bucket-list just got filled with about 100 other providers.

And now you'll have to replace that 10 by either grabbing another one or settling for Mr. 7.

Remember, "10" hobbyists will be as proportionately rare as "10" lawyers, "10" doctors or anything else.

So, maybe a provider wants to keep Mr. 10 for herself and so just gives him a 7. Oops! She just wounded his ego and lost his business anyway.

Personally, I don't really care if providers want to rate me, or how they do it. As far as I'm concerned, it's a free country and if ladies want to post reviews of our sessions -- so long as there is no personally identifiable information -- that's fine.

I just think it's the kind of thing that has a lot of pitfalls that could have unintended consequences.
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Old 05-17-2010, 03:53 PM   #42
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Thanks Heather for understanding what I don't think I put quite into words the way you did. But yea, that's exactly it.

Otherwise, this horse is dead, may as well stop beating it. This site says that it is an information exchange and that is what we are doing, either by agreeing or disagreeing. There are valid points on both sides of the issue. And yes, there are sites such as P411, DZ, NBL, etc. just as there are provider review sites such as this one and that one and that other one plus a few more.

At this point, I think everyone who has an opinion about it has stated their case and it's pointless to go back and forth even more.

Peace out....
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Old 05-17-2010, 04:17 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by TxBrandy View Post
At this point, I think everyone who has an opinion about it has stated their case
Well, not everyone
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Old 05-17-2010, 08:24 PM   #44
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Default Tipping

With the state of my performance sometimes my tip for writing a stellar review would be bigger than the fee for the session
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Old 05-19-2010, 02:51 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Laurentius View Post
Pretend you are rating clients 1-10 with 5.5 being average. The overwhelming preponderance of clients are going to fall in the 4-7 range; with few in the 1-3 or 8-10 range.

Well, if I were a provider I sure know who I would want to see! Those clients in the 8-10 range!
Well, good point, but I'm sure a provider review would differ from the reviews on sites such as ECCIE.

It seems hobbyists will go over every excruciatingly minor detail in the ROS(from what I understand), whereas as a provider, I simply want to know a few things:

How was his hygiene?
Was he rough?
Did he respect bounderies?
Did he try to overstay his time?
Was his attitude respectful?

As to the gory details of the session, I couldn't care less, because it's always different between any two people. As far as his looks, don't care about that either. It always tickles me to read the provider review headers "stunning" "gorgeous" "remarkable". I have heard from plenty of gents how they are consistantly disappointed by superlative adjectives like these where they show up and the provider appears nothing like they are expecting.

I'm newbie friendly, and see alot of gents that are new to the hobby or hobby very infrequently, and I know there have been many times where I tell them as they are leaving to make sure and call me if they book a provider in the future that requires references, because I would be more than happy to give them a glowing one. And I meant it. There are gents out there that are such a pleasure to be with, and I fully believe they are an asset to our little community, and would love love love to share them with my provider sisters.

On the flip side, I'm more than willing to out a gent as the jerk he is..... BCD.
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