To all of you who have read or will read the thread of
"Strange night with Dallas Brooke"
or whatever it is.
NEVER have I ONCE fell asleep on ANY client.
for 1. That could have been a huge threat to me, I wouldnt know
what the guy was capable of.
I am VERY professional.
That^^ is NOT professional.
for 2. You got to be out of your mind, if you think I'm going to
give the money I work hard to make to a "manager"
or "pimp" or whatever you want to call it.
I dont know anything about the "pimping" thing
&& NEVER do I want to find out.
I am NOT going to be beat and have my money taken by
The guy that posted that.....
Is mad because he was a regular for a while, and he asked
me if he could have a discount so i GAVE him the discount.
He was paying 100.00 for 15m
when I never sell NOTHING under 150.
Then I gave him the discount
Then he didnt come for a while, made an appointment with me
and I told him since he hadnt been being a "regular"
which by the definition of that is someone who comes REGULARLY
not for a while and then not come for 2 or 3 weeks and expect the
"regulars" discount I gave him.
Last time I will EVER do that.
This guy should be kicked off this site because
for 1. He lowers peoples prices cause he doesnt have a job.
& 2. He makes up stuff about beautiful successful girls to
ruin their business instead of taking the responsibility
of paying the right prices.
& this aint charity
Thanks for reading.
- Dallas Brooke <3