non-GFE pricing ?
I have seen a few ladies on other sites advertising two time based rates. One rate for a base level service, and a second, higher rate for GFE services. I am assuming that by GFE they mean kissing, but I could be way off base.
So that got me wondering... could this business model fly in Austin where most of the ladies are so proud of providing an excellent "experience"?
For example, one lady was advertising her "time" at 200/hr and GFE for 250/hr... another was 300/hr and GFE for 400/hr.
Please don't mis-understand, I am not suggesting that any lady change her rate. You are all business owners, and you know what you are doing... it's just that as a consumer who doesn't participate in GFE in the P4P world this piqued my attention. Why pay for a service that I don't receive?