A good read
The author makes many excellent points. Women should have the right to choose their own sexual freedoms. I like the conclusion:
"Being penetrated doesn't mean that I give my body. . . What makes me an object is political discourses that silence me, criminalise my sexual partners against my will, . . . and refuse to acknowledge my self-determination and the words I use to describe myself."
The industry is however filled with many unsavory characters that prey on the weak-minded, who are more easily made their objects. The nature of its corruptness lends the industry other criminal activity, like, drugs, robbery, kidnapping, and criminal enterprising.
I only believe in protecting the innocent, and prosecuting the wrong. The current legal construct outlaws all sex work. Here is my question: How do you protect personal sexual freedom and the weak from criminal predators?
Insofar as the local morality patrol, I don't care. Part of autonomy is the ability to govern and make decisions regarding oneself.