Feel free JG. RTM away. Waste more time. Hijack some more!
And to retort: no, the posts weren't "about the RTM function." They were about the "what happens after" or the "the staff doesn't like me so they ignore me" nature. That's not the OP's question, nor is it helpful.
The questions for staff isn't an outlet for the whining. "Questions for the Staff-Dallas Ask questions of your local staff here." I didn't see any questions there, nor anything helpful. All I see is agenda-peddling BS.
I know you are for "hands off moderation." I am too. This area should remain free of drama, IMO.
You are welcome to start a thread in co-ed, sandbox or ML that pertains to the lack of attention that some RTMs receive. That's the correct location for the bitching.
And for monk: That list would be an amusing addition, I'd say. I'll make the request!