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Business Services Use this forum to post on the wide range of business services available to our female members. (Website design, scheduling, photography, etc.) You may advertise your services here or ladies "in need of" business services may post here as well.

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Old 06-07-2011, 12:53 PM   #31
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Here! Here! Scheduling takes so much work, it's not easy to get regular appointments.

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Old 06-21-2011, 07:54 AM   #32
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Heather you are indeed a caring heart and a special soul. I think Eccie should have a "non-sexually oriented job opportunities" section for members who are willing, to post such notices.

I wish you much success in this noble endeavor and if there is anything I find that may assist you - I will certainly forward it promptly to you.
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Old 08-23-2011, 03:01 AM   #33
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I love the idea, but you lost me on the OVER 30 part.

25 and above sounds more reasonable, but honestly if a girl has a drive to get out of this, there should be no discrimination..... what will you use to discriminate against next, weight? race?

LOVE the idea though. please ping me and keep in touch. we should be working together on our ideas.
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:40 PM   #34
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Go to ----> www.InternetJobsSite.com
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Old 09-05-2011, 09:35 PM   #35
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They can get you going in the right direction.
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Old 09-09-2011, 10:45 PM   #36
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I think it's really thoughtful of you to think of other women's needs...but what about the ones who enjoy doing this? I mean I honestly left a job making 80k a year to do this...Ironically it leaves me with time to enjoy my life and lets face it some of us are pretty lazy lol otherwise we would have tried to get other positions in life..lol But it's so much easier to do this!..I understand for the ugly ones or the fat ones or the ones with enough tattoos to cover the side of a freeway wall but cmon now your pretty and seemed to be doing very well at this...If you didn't want to do it then don't...But its sort of condescending to the rest of us who do this because we are good at it & it's the easiest damn job on the planet!!! Finding the job is the hardest part haha I wish every man I ever slept with paid me when he left...would have been alot cheaper than love which cost me a divorce, a house, multiple cars etc...I haven't lost anything here!!> If anything I have gained valuable insight to life and ESPECIALLY how men TRULY operate..So if you want out...no ones telling you to stay..but some of us like it here...I know I do...and if you do leave for good...can we just divide your black book amongst ourselves?....Just a thought hun...and good for you! Thats awesome your doing what makes you happy...samsies ...
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Old 09-10-2011, 12:21 AM   #37
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It's not condescending at all..at least to me it's not, but I have no issues with people who don't want to be here.

She didn't say her offer was for ALL providers...she said it was for those who are truly trapped, and those are usually the ones who keep repeating over and over again how much they love their job lol. Just because you feel convicted by what she said, does not make HER in the wrong.

I do take offense to putting an age limit on who gets help though...wtf! A 17 year old has less business being here than someone legally able to do so. Women who are trafficked should be the FIRST people who get help, because they NEVER agreed to be here!

And this is NOT the easiest job on the planet lol. Sorry, honey you lost me on that one. Not knowing who you're going to be alone with other than the word of references, not knowing if he smells, has psychotic issues, could harm you possibly...that's not what I call easy. It's fast money, but it is nowhere near easy for most of us. No way in hell I would still be doing this if I were making at least 100k a year doing something else.

Just sayin.
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Old 09-12-2011, 08:30 AM   #38
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There is something of the sorts here in Dallas... It's been referred to as 'hooker rehab'. I don't know hat it's called, or if you can voluntarily enter the program... When I heard about it it was being used for ladies who had been busted and it was thier first offense... You are doing a great thing girl! I would be interested in helping if you get it going!
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Old 09-12-2011, 05:22 PM   #39
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You need two programs. One for those in the business to teach them money management and how to save for the future so that they can become financially independant. Yes I know that a lot of girls will ignore your best efforts but it will be worth it for those that listen. I think as the successful ones talk more and more will listen.

The second is for those that do not have enough time left to save for themselves and that is what you are currently focused on. There will always be customers in this group but if you market the first program well you can reduce the volume.
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Old 09-14-2011, 11:55 AM   #40
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Contact me, I have something you've gotta see
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Old 01-09-2012, 12:46 PM   #41
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Quicking the business is very HARD to do.. I know I have been trying to stop for the last year. I have been every where looking for a job and going online to fill out job application and getting no where. Everyone I have interviewed with has turned me down or has told me they woud call and never do. When I got disgnose with stage 3 cancer on Nov 8,2011 I thought myself its over now. With no medical insurance and no why of coming up with the money to get the insurance..Living day by day, I just have to many bills pilled up right now to even think about paying for 450 worth of insurance. So I started looking around for help, even ask churches here in Dallas to help me get out of the business and help me through this tuff time.. No one will help!!! If you dont have money its seems like no one wants to help you. People look at you diferent in this world if you dont have a pocket full of money.. Its hard out there to really quite the busniess and keep food on the table, and keep up with all these medical and medicine bills without doing this type work on the side... Jobs are very hard to come by and if you have a record and cant afford a lawyer to get it off your record you will not find a job,Unless its another sex type business. I will keep you in my prayer... I hope you can make it work because that would be a very good idea...
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Old 01-09-2012, 07:50 PM   #42
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What a great thought.... it is very hard to transition out. It all happens with time, but for those who have no way or plan. So much harder.

Good luck and I would like to lend any help if I can.
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Old 03-01-2012, 01:32 PM   #43
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Heather, after reading all the comments from providers and hobbiests, I had an epiphany.
As men get older, they build assets that cannot be converted to cash, like a house or life insurance.
As providers get older, they may not make as much money, and can't pay the bills, but still have the "provider" assets that someone like me would gladly trade.
Think of it as "Adopt a Provider" or "Adopt a Hobbiest" plan. You said you make alot of friends over the years, so why not make it possible to transition out of the business by only seeing the "friends" that you are familiar with and the risk level is much less.
Start a barter service online where providers and hobbiests could join for free, and use in conjunction with ECCIE. For example, if I wanted to use a provider that was a member of the service, I could pay a percentage of her fee, say 10 or 20 percent, and it would go into her account as a credit and my account as a debit. She would discount me the same amount when I pay her, and she would be able to build up a retirement account for the future.
I would be able to pay my debit with cash, or by credits from services I provide to members, such as driving services, or maybe I have a room I could "rent" for credits. After I adopted a provider, I could withdrawl that cash for her to make the transition.
Think of it as a "reverse mortgage" for providers, where they get credit for their service while they are in the business. When they decide to make the transition, providing for the same one or two members would be easier than being available to the "public".

As an older guy who doesn't get much action, I would easily take in a roommate for a half hour session a week. That's alot more than I get now, and the room is sitting there empty.

I typed about 5 pages of ideas, but didn't want to put it all here. I'd love to get involved. I need a job right now, and the epiphany came to me after I posted in this sector to be a driver, and realized I'd gladly trade 3 hours of driving time for a half hour of provider time. I couldn't make a living that way, but I'd be a happy driver!
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