I was at a bar and the TV said something about a Sebastian *%&$ blah, and this girl next to me spouts out a randomly drunkin comment to the effect of "That is the sexiest fuckin name I've ever heard." (with her head bobbin & weavin) So I replied. Huh, you think so? Then I leaned close to her ear and whispered, I'll make ya a deal... we can go get a room and I'll change my name to Sebastian then you'll be able to moan it out loud while I'm pounding you from behind... After a 10 or 15 second delay, she whips her head around, looks at me kinda cross eyed, and says "I'm ready when you are Sebastian." The rest is history. Unfortunately that name was taken on here, so I had change the spelling and add the $. I must admit though, I use it at tit bars alot and the name is a real hit with the ladies for whatever reason.