Yes, I admit I have visited the board off & on since March, but didn't join until June and haven't been here regularly due to the lack of activity in the Austin area. I know some of you in the other larger cities I've visited but am a very community oriented gal. I'm glad to see more folks joining up & participating.
I'm a creature of habit, and my main stomping ground was familiar. It's not so "familiar" right now, so I'm branching out. That's hard for me at first, but I adapt quickly.

One thing I know for sure is that the "community" means the people it's made up of. It's not the locale. So, as more familiar faces show up, I'm sure others like myself will find this new locale a wonderful new home for the community.
Thanks for the welcome, T-Bone!
(...and the rest of you folks, of course! hehehe)