Opinions are like assholes... everyone has one. Here's mine, FWIW (and I don't think they're necessarily worth much).
Originally Posted by bsmith39401
If this is someone you really want to see is it rude to call back, and if so how long should you wait?
If time isn't of the essence, I don't think it's rude to call back the next day, assuming you don't have reason to believe she's not available the next day. Personally, I don't want to look like a pest or a stalker. If I can't reach her the next day, leave a message, and she still won't call me back, I tell myself it's her loss (just lying to myself to salve my ego; I know damn well it's no loss to her) and move on.
If time is of the essence...
I'm never in that much of a hurry.
Originally Posted by bsmith39401
If you do receive a call back and have allready booked with a plan B girl, what obligations do you have to the first girl and to the second girl?
You've made a commitment to Ms. Plan B. Honor it. Ms. Plan A should understand (even if your excuse is simply, "I'm sorry, but my circumstances have changed and I'm not able to see you after all"; you don't have to tell her
everything). If she doesn't, I'd question whether I want to see her at all.
Originally Posted by bsmith39401
If you meet someone and they don't look as advertised, best way to politely escape.
I'd simply tell her that on face to face meeting, I don't think she's really my type. I think I'd give her something like 10-20% of the understood fee as a token of my understanding of the fact that she has been inconvenienced (possibly refused other appointments, may have had to travel, etc).
But I've been accused of being soft-hearted
and soft headed.