Originally Posted by jan-w
Actually, I have 2 queries:
1st, what's with the hair?
A lot of the ads I see show women with long flowing locks tumbling past their shoulders and, like most men, I find this sexy and attractive.
The reality for me has been the opposite. I've met so many ladies with their hair pulled back into pony tails or buns. Often, their hair is pulled back so tight, they have the "peeled onion" effect. Really not attractive at all. I understand long hair takes time to wash, dry and comb so I guess that's the main reason but if that's the case, why not just wash it and leave it wet? Many guys, including myself, like the wet, tousled look.
2nd question:
Why don't women address a man by name?
When I meet someone for the 1st time, I introduce myself thusly: "Hi, I'm Jan, good to meet you." Their response is typically. "Hi, good to meet you. Come on back Hon." From then on in, I'm Hon or maybe Sweetie.
If you know my name, why not use it? If I were to make a guess, I would say that despite what ladies on this forum may claim, they really don't like doing what they're doing. To make it easier to swallow (no pun intended), they depersonalize the man, thus depersonalizing the activity. If a man has no name, face or personality, the lady can easier go into automatic pilot and simply get the job done. Am I close here?
I really don't expect the ladies to admit to that but it's something that's happened everytime I've seen someone. I can live with it. I don't go to sessions just to hear my name spoken but it's something I've always wondered about. Thoughts?
1. I know a few providers with very long hair... one had a conversation with me about this very thing (her hair was almost to her butt it was so long). I asked her once why she doesn't leave her hair down and she answered (and I'm paraphrasing here), "because it takes a long ass time to get my hair to look just right and when a guy sees your hair down, the first thing they want to do is fuck it up. And it takes a long time to get it all the way dry too. If I leave it wet, it is just going to look jacked up at the end of a session. Then I have to spend the next 30 - 45 minutes wrestling with my hair before I can set up another appointment. Plus, I don't like getting hair in my mouth all the time so I pull it back out of the way."
Honestly, most of the time i don't want to end up being Vidal Sassoon trying to organize a lady's hair the whole time. If that's your thing, more power to ya... but, I keep hair clips, hair ties, and rubber bands on hand just so I don't have to worry about that when I'm home with a play partner.
2. Here's a stretch... maybe they don't remember
your name. Any lady I've seen more than once knows my name and calls me by it every time (and others do it on the very first time)... either they know me as FireSerpent or Tank... either way, they say it. If you're with a lady who is a regular of yours and she doesn't call you by the name she knows you by best then perhaps you need to make yourself more memorable... ya know, wear a funny tie or something... how are you going to give references if no one remembers who you are from anyone else? "Yeah, I think I know that number... what's his name again? Nope, not ringing any bells! Wait... is he the guy who always wears a funny tie?! Yeah that's Bill Smith! Sweet guy, nice tipper, and always smells great!"