This is sheer entertainment!! Truly... And I don't mean to dismiss the anger that Christine must be feeling now... but do we all realize that there is a tit for tat brewing over a frickin review of a massage?
Sheer genius in my opinion. I can't believe that 1) what Vito says is deemed as negative - I found it informative... and in the august words of my father, "opinions are like a$$holes: everyone's got one."
2) despite lockon's obvious parody, having a legit massage session might be worthwhile, especially if folks are going to get heated like this. I don't know if there is a history between you and Vito, Christine, but from my point of view, I don't think he's thinks ill of you or of what you do; it's just not his cup of joe and he expressed simply that. 3) I found the review very informative and helpful, even though Vito may have not. I LOVE Christine's personality and thought a session might be fun... after the review, I think buying her a beer might be a better option (sorry Christine - no disrespect, I was just expecting some gonorrhea of the hand action
And in the immortal words of Rodney King, alcoholic and the man who made getting your ass-kicked by the cops fashionable and profitable, "Can't we all just get along?"
Who loves ya, baby?