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Old 06-26-2011, 07:33 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi View Post
LynnT, it is interesting the differences across the country. In Oklahoma BP is looked at as one level about streetwalker. Here ECCIE and P411 rule and that gives me a better insight into your responses. I believe, or I have been told, that the first thing a girl checks here is the P411 request because shes knows that is a formal request where other contacts may contain a lot of BS. The P411 Request slaps you right in the face while with most everything else it is a more tedious process. I have done TER reviews at the request of a certain girl, but nobody else around my part cares about TER. Your last post made me understand your world a lot better.
I did finally meet the girl that this post was about and we had a great time, and I can't be too bad a guy because she has called me a couple times since then. I will have to remember in the future that my little world is not everybodies little world.
I hear ya on BP. There are BP advertisers and BP girls. Im even a top end price point lady.. BP works well where I live, I get a massive steady flow of men from there.. Good guys actually, My pitas come from eccie. lol The average John is Googling Syracuse escort and BP is right there on top of the search.. Eccie is nowhere to be found.. and now that e.com is gone very limited places to run ads for my area.

Eccie is hit or miss and p411 is barely used here. In Syracuse I think only 10 ladies are listed.. I go to Texas and its flooded so to speak. I wish more used p411 in NY(upstate). Im lucky I get 1 inquiry from P411 every couple weeks. I use TER only so often, I dont like it there really but I know it works well in certain places to travel. I use eccie and p411 when I visit other areas and not BP. I know BP is a hot mess in some places. lol Eccie works well for a town an hour from me but not as well as my town.. Its random. lol

Sucks to have to join board after board/site to travel with.. read those alerts etc.. Thats the deal when you want to travel all over! lol Roll with it to stay safe.

Glad it all worked out for you, sometimes just a little patience is in order to see a cool lady.
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Old 06-26-2011, 08:23 PM   #32
Pink Floyd
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
I hear ya on BP. There are BP advertisers and BP girls. Im even a top end price point lady.. BP works well where I live, I get a massive steady flow of men from there.. Good guys actually, My pitas come from eccie. lol The average John is Googling Syracuse escort and BP is right there on top of the search.. Eccie is nowhere to be found.. and now that e.com is gone very limited places to run ads for my area.

Eccie is hit or miss and p411 is barely used here. In Syracuse I think only 10 ladies are listed.. I go to Texas and its flooded so to speak. I wish more used p411 in NY(upstate). Im lucky I get 1 inquiry from P411 every couple weeks. I use TER only so often, I dont like it there really but I know it works well in certain places to travel. I use eccie and p411 when I visit other areas and not BP. I know BP is a hot mess in some places. lol Eccie works well for a town an hour from me but not as well as my town.. Its random. lol

Sucks to have to join board after board/site to travel with.. read those alerts etc.. Thats the deal when you want to travel all over! lol Roll with it to stay safe.

Glad it all worked out for you, sometimes just a little patience is in order to see a cool lady.
Funny, I was just thinking of my own little world as I know it. I have only seen girls from OKC, Tulsa and Dallas and those areas are all dominated by ECCIE and P411 and BP is looked upon as a good way to get robbed. Most of our alerts come off BP. I am suprised P411 isn't big up there. My date worked out great, and it was worth the confusion that went on.
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Old 06-26-2011, 09:14 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi View Post
Funny, I was just thinking of my own little world as I know it. I have only seen girls from OKC, Tulsa and Dallas and those areas are all dominated by ECCIE and P411 and BP is looked upon as a good way to get robbed. Most of our alerts come off BP. I am suprised P411 isn't big up there. My date worked out great, and it was worth the confusion that went on.
Yea I utilize eccie and P411 for my trips to Texas. Its great p411 is big in some cities, makes the screening more efficient. I havent made it to Oklahoma city yet. lol I'll know to use p411 there.

Date-check seems to be growing more for upstate but I like the platform of P411 better.. Hopefully it will grow here, too many men here are to uptight about giving the info to p411.. Which I can understand, but Gina does have a good reputation for her service and it makes it a hell of a lot easier for them too. Shes smart and has the site in a safe place too.

Hell if boards/sites/agency's didnt have so much heat Id start one for NY.(mainly a straight ad board per town category and they would have to be verified to run ads) On eccie its all of upsate not broken down by city like Texas or like its broken down on BP. I book well through eccie for Rochester which is an hour from me but my locals in Syracuse its feast or famine or a trickle.. lol We are also comparable city size but its a whole different ball game an hour from me..

Funny how this business really rolls and how it varies so much city to city. As much as its the same "business" its vastly different in a town within hours of you in the same state..
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Old 06-28-2011, 10:43 AM   #34
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Some ladies receive 30 emails per day?? Woahhh!!! That never happens to me and I'm glad. I wouldn't be able to manage returning that many emails back and forth with my busy schedule. I'm getting just the right amount of business. In my opinion, if a lady cannot handle her business correspondence in a timely manner (this is not acceptable, unless she's critically ill) she will need to make some adjustments...maybe her rate since the demand is greater than supply.
I remember when a few months ago when I had a lower rate, I was getting bombarded by appt requests...much more than I could handle. Then I raised my rate a little to reduce business...and it's been working great. Clients and potential clients are happy that I always return their email on time (unless they email on a weekend, I will write back on Monday).
The only emails I don't reply to is one-liner email from guys I've never seen before saying: "Are you available today?" (with no introduction, no references, no nothing!)Godddd...I hate those! LOL
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Old 06-28-2011, 08:02 PM   #35
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Every market is different, or at least I am finding that out. Dallas has a huge provider base. I am the kind of guy who seldom does spur of the moment dates. Every once in a while I will text one of my favorites, and the timing is just right, but I normally schedule her a week in advance.
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Old 06-28-2011, 09:59 PM   #36
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I have heard from many providers on this site many times say why don't hobbyist understand that this is a business. Either some guy wanted special treatment or wanted a discount or was falling in love with the provider. I completely agree that it is a business. ( A really enjoyable business but a business). I don't know of a sucessful business that gets away with not returning a customer contact in a reasonable time and succeeding. If your business is growing or is very successful you have to plan on how to handle the extra traffic or soon you just won't have it. Bottom line is either you figure out a way to return contact no matter what plans you have or leave it known that certain days you will be unavailable. Anything else is just bad business.
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Old 06-28-2011, 10:15 PM   #37
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There are good business people and bad ones in every business.

There are different expectations of what is reasonable responsiveness.

Just in the past 10 days:
--I took my computer in for repair; the estimate was supposed to be done the next day. It's been 4 days, no estimate when the estimate will be ready, and now they don't answer
my calls.
--Called my Dr to get a refil on my allergy meds. Left a voice mail on Monday, no reply.
--Have been waiting three weeks for either of two contractors to tell me when they can come over and give me an estimate on some construction work.

No, people in this business are just people. No better, no worse.
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Old 06-29-2011, 05:20 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
There are good business people and bad ones in every business.

There are different expectations of what is reasonable responsiveness.

Just in the past 10 days:
--I took my computer in for repair; the estimate was supposed to be done the next day. It's been 4 days, no estimate when the estimate will be ready, and now they don't answer
my calls.
--Called my Dr to get a refil on my allergy meds. Left a voice mail on Monday, no reply.
--Have been waiting three weeks for either of two contractors to tell me when they can come over and give me an estimate on some construction work.

No, people in this business are just people. No better, no worse.
Shit Happens, and I wouldn't have even posted this except I was pissed at Hooters. I do expect replies to my P411 requests, because that is known business for the girl, and I try to schedule well in advance. If I email a girl about a date, I always know there is a 50-50 chance that I will get a response in time. One of my Favs cancelled on me 3 times in a row, most guys would have gone beserk, but she cuts me such a great deal that I think to myself, just shut the fuck up, this is a business and she does you favors. I have fun with her every time, and if she has a better offer - take it, I am always willing to fill in the slow gaps. I don't mind cancellations, but being real late can be a problem for the guys who pop the little blue pill at appointment time.
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Old 06-29-2011, 05:52 AM   #39
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FNF, I remember what an old hobbyist told me one time and it has always stuck: "If you had a leaky pipe in your house, do you call one plumber and wait for them to call you back?" No, you call a few. This helps your chances immensely for dates. Caveat: in no way am I comparing providers to plumbing, but the analogy is very good.

I hate to pre-book, as I'm more spur of the moment (same day) type of guy. I will call three to four ladies and if/when calls back at the time I need, problem solved. If it's someone I truly want to see, then, I will follow their rules, at their time schedule, etc. I understand/have a general feeling of what ladies go through (references, LE, safety etc) and truly appreciate it . I also know what I like/want/need, and if I can get it the same day (or two), then I'm a happy camper!
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