Originally Posted by Jaleh
Do you like for a girl to mix & spice things up, look wise?
It depends on what she is mixing up. With that said…
Originally Posted by Jaleh
Long hair to short hair... ?? Blond hair to black hair...??
OK, call me a freak but I
LOVE long hair on women.
I don’t know what it is, but long hair is just huge a turn on for me. I think it is just soooooooooooo sexy.
Of course, aside from the long hair, the lady also has to be attractive (hey, I’m a man so I am allowed to be superficial
As far as hair color, I prefer brunettes but I don’t have anything against blondes.
A few examples of what I think is super sexy (in alphabetical order, and I am sure I forgot a few ladies)…
Brittany Paige
Dallas Bella