Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Yeah I got a pallet or two in storage next to my Gillette Sensor XL cartridges.... 
Seriously I'm only a convert to the new bulbs in the last few years and I have no idea how much I'm really saving on my electric bill...
....but changing a bulb about 1/10th as often seems like a no brainer to me  
FYI, I started using these new bulbs several years ago. While on, they generate almost no heat and that means a room stays cooler. Thus, they help keep air conditioning costs lower, and they are one (or twenty) less fire hazard(s) in the house. Of course, they don't help warm a room during the winter either.
Typically, I replaced each and all of my incandescent bulbs about once a year. I've only had to replace one of the new bulbs since I started using them four years ago. I've now replaced all of my incandescent bulbs with the new type.
Just recently, I heard these new things are HAZMAT if broken. They contain mercury(?), but I've never broken one. However, if the U.S. does make this transition, it'll mean the government will soon be writing regulations and no doubt charging a handling fee for proper disposal of a HAZMAT item.