Originally Posted by xlpness
I'm from NYC and I would like the option to call or email and get verified the same day or the day before rather than filling out at form on a website. BUT then again I have established track record as a hobbyist on another site so it would be easy for you to verify me through my reviews.
I specifically state in my ads "You are free to call to establish rapport, but screening info has to be provided via contact form or email"
What irks me personally about phone calls is:
1) Phone call at 11:45 am asking "do you have availability this morning". What availability? Next 15 min of it?
2) Phone call asking with "Are u free?" No, I am not FREE. I am however possibly AVAILABLE

3) Phone calls starting with "where are you located?" It would be nice to hear "Hello, my name is XYZ" before getting down to biz
4) Phone calls starting with "how much for an hour?"
I probably could come up with more, but what all these callers have in common is that NONE of them took 2 minutes of time to actually READ the website.
So, if you had read the website, willing to be screened and want to call to see if personalities click prior to providing your screening info, you are very welcome to do so!