This is a May 3, 2011 quote from profish that can be found in the thread started by elegant belinda in the Requests and ISO Shreveport/Bossier City forum,
Lexi Answers when you call. She even keeps her appointments. She does not let you drive sixty miles and then leave you hangin. Just sayin. You could have at least called and cancelled before I drove that far. or at least let me know you could not do the appt. instead of leeting me wait around in a parking lot for 1.5 hours.

Elegantbelinda replied pointing out the thread was not about her....but about Lexi. And, profish, elegantbelinda was were "hijacking" her thread. She was also right in responding/stating that shit happens. However, despite elegantbelinda's statements, there is seldom, and possibly never an excuse for not calling and saving a hobbiest's time. Providers continually tell us how valuable their time is by posting rates for time periods. Surely, except for those who are mentally unable to conceptualize this statement, "Providers understand that hobbiests' time is also valuable."
I commend you for taking a stand and posting a review about your experience. Posts such as yours, and possibly comments from hobbiests concerning this (unacceptable) behavior, may effect changes in providers' behaviors, or at the very least, provide a "heads up" concerning a provider's past behavior(s).
I trust my statements are perceived as gentlemanly, for I remain the southern gentleman.