Originally Posted by pyramider
How many times has NY and NYC been bankrupt? Once each that I recall and both were bailed out by the Feds and both have infrastructures are crumbling around them.
Again, if i was going around banging my chest talking about how great NY is, you'd have a point. I'm not. You don't.
Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Keep talkin'... it shows your true ignorance.
Maybe i'll just start posting 5600 word copy/pasted screeds, Marshall.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Actually Doovie,
Alright Olivia! Resorting to the sarcastic-nickname-to-belittle technique! Sweet!! 
we do not have the right to secede.
Don't tell me. Tell that to your governor. He seems confused.
We would be asked to leave with all our goodies. Our deep water port, our miles and miles of coast, our oil business, our banking business, our immigrant labor, our agro business, and on and on. What does New York have going for it ‘cept the Big Apple – Nada that’s what. That’s why y’all don’t brag. I am a citizen of the Great State of Texas; I love it.
Goodie for you! And on a state by state basis, your per capita income barely cracks the top half of the country. Your schools suck, right along with those in NY, and i'm guessing a whole bunch of other statistics have you pegged in the bottom half of the country given that, in many cases, "business friendly environment" is simply happy talk for "don't give a shit about the have-nots". Oh, and you're filled with birthers. How's that workin' out for ya, by the way? So you'll understand why i'm not impressed.
I don't brag, because unlike what Texans are wont to do, i don't define myself by my surroundings, of which i have no control over. Your oil bidness? Resources? Deep water port? Agro Business? There long before you came along, and will be there long after you leave. Texans come across to me as the 23 year old punk who thinks he's cool because he's driving around in a fancy Mustang.....that his father bought for him. If i wanted to brag, i'd simply cite a few of Naomi's posts.
Also, did it ever occur to you and your Yankee sensibilities that if the State of Texas wasn’t handling the State Department and the Home Land Defense Department’s jobs of policing the sovereign border of the United States of America and absorbing millions of illegal immigrants, we may not need any federal dollars to deal with the wild fires.
So the benefits of your location are for you to pump your chest with an air of superiority, but the drawbacks of your location are everyone's problem?
Why all this hatred towards Texas?
Originally Posted by Vercengetorix
Easy off the boy. I been to buffalo. He has a good reason to be pissed off. The hate keeps him warm when his butt is buried in the snow.
Keep firing son! It's entertaining.

Suggesting that i'm angry, or that i hate Texas, assumes i'm jealous. A couple Super Bowl losses notwithstanding, don't flatter yourself. Frankly, i don't give a damn if Texas is better than NY or if NY is better than Texas any more than i care if Alabama is better than Minnesota. I just think y'all seriously need to get off your high horse about how great Texas and Texans supposedly are.