Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
.. He was Pa Ingalls and I was off milking a cow...not quite sure what that was about...lol
Ha ! That is one for the books! Very funny Lucious
I'm sure he was admiring you milking that cow wishing it was his dong you were rubbin on!
Elisabeth - you are absolutely right in all that you said. I will address your comments and also those of petiteassman:
Originally Posted by petiteassman
.....why would he be willing to pay for it given the crazy amounts of free 20 yr old hollywood model types avail to him free on a daily basis.
....is your motivation that you find him interesting and stimulating and would love to experience sex with him or are you looking for a big payday.
I DO think as far as the sex....he would be a dissapointment. His penis is probably about to fall off at this point.
That being said...and the reason I stated "my head might explode"....is because he says such damn obscure but insightful things! (although not all he says is insightful...lol)
Anyways, I am a very intelletual person, and their are times some folks cannot keep up with my train of thought. Deep conversations turn me on incredibly. He would have me spinning with the words that come out of his mouth.
You have to admit he is hilarious! I COULD no doubt give him a good bit of banter and also a run for his money on stimulating conversation. THIS, my friend
PetiteAssMan, is why he might be inclined to see a 46 yo instead of a 20 yo.
I would then devour his body in a way that he may have never experienced (while fantasizing about the younger Charlie Sheen)
As far as the payout....I would expect a large sum, politely placed on the table before we began. Yes, he would have to behave in that way just like my other clients (but a much bigger sum). Because of the risk I would be taking with Charlie (and their would be many), and because he is a rich mofo....I would expect no less than, I dunno....let's say $10K for an overnight. I'm sure that is a bargain to him, yes?
Your thoughts on crazy people in bed,
Elisabeth, I totally get.
Not sure why I have this infatuation at the moment. I just do.
Perhaps I just want to get a piece of the legend before it dies?
In a way, I feel very sad for him. I hope that somehow....he calms down enough to act in a manner in which he could be admired instead of ridiculed. He has GOT to get it together tho....because as much as he seems not to care at the moment....he is a bit out of control.
Bottom line....I want sex with Charlie Sheen....and I want the foreplay to be banter and deep conversation. Then, whether he gets it up or not.....I will eat him alive....;-)
oh....ps...thank you PetiteAssMan for the lovely comments on my toosh!