Attn Serentity
For those who read this, I thank you in advance for allowing me to use a public forum for a personal message.
Serenity, I have had an issue that has been causing me some grief. I need to clean my side of the street so to speak for me to maintain some mental/emotional health. I need to make ammeds. I recently used the wrong word, Weight, insted of , Wait,. As in Serenity is worth the weight. I truely meant wait. It was late at night and I made a spelling error. When it was brought to my attention I played it off as if I was intending to joke with you. That was my mistake. I was embarrassed with my poor spelling skills. You know that I think you are beautiful, hot, gorgeous.
I don't know if you even took offense to this comment. I hope that when you saw it, if you saw it, that you took the Italian Princess approach and printed it so you could wipe you ass with it.
I no longer have your contact info or I would have done this off line. Please accept my apology.