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Old 04-08-2011, 08:11 AM   #1
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Default Oil Dependence + Debt Purchase Dependence = Middle East Wars.....Thanks Libs!

"Lib"ya [land of the libs]

The US has the largest energy reserves in the world [coal, oil, gas, etc.], but leftist environmentalists don't want us drilling and they are successful in stopping us.....Leftist democrats like spending and that forces us to borrow

the US has talked about oil independence since the 1970's, but we import more now than ever before [65-70% of our needs, I think]......we buy oil from the Middle East, or at least, prices of oil we import are dependent upon the price of Middle East oil........

Saudi Arabia and other ME countries sell us oil and buy our debt.........

What happens to us if they don't sell us oil or hold it back from the market?......What happens if they don't buy our debt or dump it on the market?......We apparently don't want to find out......

Does our oil dependence and debt purchase dependence force us to interfere militarily in the Middle East? [I haven't even discussed how our dependence on China buying our debt hampers our foreign policy]

I'm undecided about the answer to this, but I lean towards "YES".....thanks libs for more unintended consequences!
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Old 04-08-2011, 08:38 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
The US has the largest energy reserves in the world [coal, oil, gas, etc.],
This is such a ridiculously wrong statement, I don't know where to start. Let's just say the U.S. doesn't even make the list.

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Old 04-08-2011, 08:57 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
This is such a ridiculously wrong statement, I don't know where to start. Let's just say the U.S. doesn't even make the list.


The energy superpower

Thomas Lifson

According to the Congressional Research Service, which nation has the largest energy reserves of all? Surprise! It is the United States. Peter C. Glover of the Energy Tribune writes:
In case anyone missed it, let me repeat something that is of a magnitude of 10 on the scale of news-quakes for Joe Public USA: America's combined energy resources are, according to a new report from the Congressional Research Service (CSR), the largest on earth. They eclipse Saudi Arabia (3rd), China (4th) and Canada (6th) combined - and that's without including America's shale oil deposits and, in the future, the potentially astronomic impact of methane hydrates.

The energy facts in the CRS report should be making front page news all over America. Mostly it isn't. Given the devastating news from Japan and New Zealand, it may be right to postpone dancing in the streets. But something else is going on. Even though they are going to dominate global energy supply for decades to come the insidious war on vital fossil fuels continues apace.
It is scandalous that the United States imports an ever-increasing share of our energy, dependent on the world oil market and its many nefarious oil powers. Glover writes:
Obama's State of the Union address made it perfectly clear that his energy paradigm remains wedded to a non-fossil-fuelled notion of a carbon Neverland that insists that erratic, under-performing windmills can do the job equally well. Meanwhile a myriad cast of characters are lining up to tell the Emperor that he and his energy policies have no clothes - and not just the usual suspects either.
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Old 04-08-2011, 10:22 AM   #4
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Well, Marshall, let's try to keep this simple.....

To answer your "what happens" and "does our" questions: Looks like we should have followed through with what has been proposed all along by "liburrals" and then we could just build a wall around the ME and let them fight it out amongst themselves because we don't need their sorry asses or their erl. But, NOOOOOOO, the oil companies and conservatives continue to let things drift and take the easy way out, especially since their margin multiplied by an ever increasing cost equals more gross profit dollars.

Yep, regardless of how much actual supply we have, we could get it and float the cost of getting it safely and cleanly. No one really knows how much that would cost because no oil and gas exploration company has ever pursued extracting it safely and cleanly. At least coal-fired plants are half-assed held to a decent emission standard. Obviously, BP and Trans-whatever's alleged "best efforts" came up short and are rife with maintenance screw-ups and flat-out negligence, but who's gives a damn? LOL

Your stuff is, as usual, off the mark by half (or more), because you don't even know what the questions should be.
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Old 04-08-2011, 11:08 AM   #5
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1) We could be completely energy independant within 10 years.
2) Some people are complete idiots.
3) As a result, we will all be speaking Chinese in the next 10 years.
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Old 04-08-2011, 01:11 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by ThrillBill88 View Post
1) We could be completely energy independant within 10 years.
2) Some people are complete idiots.
3) As a result, we will all be speaking Chinese in the next 10 years.
Will the idiots be able to learn Chinese in ten years?

I haven't even learned Spanish in fifty years!
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Old 04-08-2011, 04:29 PM   #7
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Will the idiots be able to learn Chinese in ten years?

I haven't even learned Spanish in fifty years!
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