Welcome to the Jungle! It can be Fun and Heartbreaking at any moment. You will never be "Special "! You are a Financial Necessity. Research thoroughly and stick to your budget. There is no such thing as " Free ". Always consider that your "Brain" in terms of this journey is not situated on your shoulders. You will be promised everything you want to hear and it will have a Price Tag !
Now for the Good news. You "Will" meet a new friend from time to time who will be sweet and kind and treat you well. Time and experience present many experiences that come as an education.
Just remember that for many beautiful people that you encounter, that the "Hobby" is a Business. Explore, enjoy, and hopefully you will meet a Gem here and there. be courteous, a gentleman, and not demanding.
This forum provides a lot of information. Research is your best friend. ETG and Red are good sources of objective experience.
Never make assumptions. Treat everyone you contact or meet as a person. Not an object. We are all here for different reasons. As time and experience pass, the options and choices will provide a fairly clear path to follow. We are all human. Respect goes a long way. Success and heartbreak come with the journey.
One last thing; play safe !