Originally Posted by wyldthang1001
Im still mad at my dad for not being a millionaire lol. We can’t control rates when there is always another well off guy that will pay no matter what price.. I was looking at an escort on Twitter. She had a website. Very nice body very pretty I forget where or who but her rates started at $2000. She offered longer times maybe a month for $50,000. Ya that’s literally insane..
I think this is the root cause of the issue . The girls who actually live locally are more aware of the local economy but the visiting girls are not. They drive or fly into town from a bigger city with a healthier economy, check into a casino hotel and pretty soon the slightly alcohol impaired out of town gambler is paying 3-5 bills for 30 minutes of her time so she thinks this town is full of guys with mid to high 6 digit incomes.
Bass Cat suggested simply calling them up and offering 2 bills. I suspect that works some times I tried it a few times and respect the girl for sticking to her price but it was to high for me so I passed. One girl told me she would never undervalue herself by negotiating down. I politely respected that but in my mind, and since it was Wednesday during a week with no special events in town, I suspected she was going to be lucky to cover her casino hotel charges and we would never see her on the coast again. They do not get that $300 is about 25% (sometimes more) of a man’s weekly income on the coast and a lot of guys barely have any discretionary income after paying basic monthly bills.