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Old 09-28-2024, 12:35 AM   #1
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Default Kamala Does Trainwreck Interview With Stephanie Ruhle, Who Admits Harris Didn't Answer Questions

this woman refuses .. or simply can't answer even the easiest question from a friendly source.

Kamala Does Trainwreck Interview With Stephanie Ruhle, Who Admits Harris Didn't Answer Questions


note .. the article has the video segments discussed. since i can't easily embed them here is the full interview


watch the video first and the comments on her answers will be clear or you can go to the link and watch the segments in order


Stephanie Ruhle appeared on Friday on Bill Maher's "Real Time" show and, incredibly, argued that people shouldn't demand or expect answers from Kamala Harris on the issues since she was running against former President Donald Trump. It was a ridiculous position for someone who claimed to be a journalist arguing against the questioning of a presidential candidate because she supported her.

So perhaps it's not surprising that Harris who has given very few interviews then gave Ruhle an interview. Harris no doubt thought she could walk through a softball interview with Ruhle after what Ruhle said. She knew she could count on not being pressed, given what Ruhle said.

She claimed Trump wasn't serious about it that one has to have a "plan" which is wild given that she's the one who refuses to enunciate her plans. So what the heck is she even talking about? Doesn't she even know what a tariff is and she can't explain why she and Biden kept them -- if they're bad.

Harris is the one who doesn't seem to understand or care about the bad effect her actions have had on the economy, so it's all kinds of projection to talk about Trump, who had a booming economy pre-pandemic with low inflation. She's the one who seems to think we should just anoint her without her having to commit to any plans.

Ruhle actually asks a good question: What happens if you can't raise corporate taxes, if you don't get what you want [which is quite likely if the Republicans take the Senate]? Harris just refuses delivery on the question, saying well, we're going to have to do it. Check out the blank look on Harris' face.

She has no answers, she just says the corporations and the billionaires are going to have to "pay their fair share."

BAHHHAAthe Big Lie by the DemonRats ..they know the ultra rich and Corp America are carrying this country's costs on their backs .. yet they lie repeatedly about it

ask yourself why

First, the rich pay most of the taxes, this "fair share" nonsense is the class warfare mantra of the left which isn't based on reality, to justify their continual desire to take more of people's money.

Second, she's also going to be raising taxes on the regular people too if she plans to end Trump's tax cuts that helped most Americans.

Third, she doesn't seem to understand that raising taxes on corporations means they raise taxes on goods and/or lay off workers. So she's going to further hurt the economy and suppress growth on top of all the bad things that she has already done.

Ruhle actually presses her -- how are you going to make them pay then, without having them leave the country. Harris doesn't answer the question and check out the look on her face as Ruhle then tells Nicolle Wallace about it.

Yes, that's true, and a lot of that was inflation and the higher interest rates under you and Joe Biden that has priced people out of owning homes. But she acts like she's a change agent for a problem she helped to create.

What do you say to the people who aren't believing in your "policies" Ruhle asks. What policies? Harris then lets loose with the word salad of all time.

"Well if you are... hard working... if you... have... uh... the dreams and the ambitions and the aspirations of what I believe you do, you're in my plan," she said, then going on to talk about the "spirit and character of the American people."

Yes, I believe in the spirit and character of the American people, but what about your spirt and character and plans? Repeating the question, talking about joy, or aspirations isn't a plan or a reason for anyone to elect you. At this point, her answers are just insulting our intelligence. She says she wants the middle class to "get ahead" -- but they haven't under her and Joe Biden.

But hey, at least she's discovered the word "holistically."

How did she deal with the question of not being endorsed by the Teamsters? The first Democrat in decades not to receive their endorsement and the polls, online and by phone showed the majority supported Trump. Again, Kamala failed to even answer that question.

Of course, that's a tough one for her to answer because then she'd have to admit it's because they've had a horrible economy and border that hasn't helped the worker. She doesn't want to admit that, so she just blathers.

Ruhle asked her about the McDonald's controversy -- that she claims she worked for McDonald's but there's no evidence of it. Then Harris breaks out the cackle and claims that she did, that she "did fries."

Yikes, how could anyone take this person seriously?

Ruhle then capped it off telling Chris Hayes that while Harris didn't answer the questions, that's "okay, because we're not talking about clear or direct issues."

Are you kidding? This is the most important elected position in the land and this person Harris seems to have all the seriousness of a fruit cup. We deserve answers and she's giving us cackles. She should be rejected out of hand, because this is just past silly at this point.
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Old 09-28-2024, 09:23 AM   #2
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Yea, I watched the full interview and it was a complete waste of time.

Less than 30 mins of blather and word salads.
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Old 09-28-2024, 11:43 AM   #3
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Fortunately, every word that comes outta Stupor Trump's mouth is an absolute pearl o' wisdom....

From Warren, Michigan yesterday:

“So pretty much, as we’ve been saying ... and what I want to do is, I want to be able to ... look your business. Years ago in this area, I was honored as the Man of the Year. Was maybe 20 years ago, and the fake news heard about it. They said, ‘It never happened. It never happened.’ And I didn’t know who it was. It was a group that honored me as Man of the Year. The fakers back there ... see the fake news ... but they said, they said, Oh. And they looked at it, you know, they said it never happened. But I said, ‘I swear to you, it happened. It did happen.’

“I was Man of the Year, and I came and I made a speech and said, ‘Why do you allow them to take your car business away? Why do you allow it to happen? They’re taking your business away.’ And I didn’t know too much about ... all I know is they were taking your car industry away from you. They said it never happened, and lo and behold, somebody said, ‘I remember the event,’ and then we found out, and we had everything. We got the awards. We had everything. It did happen, but I gave a speech, which at the time was pretty controversial.”

(it WUZ fake, btw...there was no real MOTY award..)

Hey!! Didja get yer watches yet?!

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Old 09-28-2024, 11:49 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR View Post
Yea, I watched the full interview and it was a complete waste of time.

Less than 30 mins of blather and word salads.
Like hearing Trump blather incoherently at all his rallies lately!
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Old 09-28-2024, 12:11 PM   #5
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I thought we were discussing Kamala’s interview?

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Old 09-29-2024, 07:00 PM   #6
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I refuse to call Harris, the whore, by her ridiculous first name.
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Old 09-29-2024, 07:02 PM   #7
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