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Old 02-24-2024, 06:34 PM   #16
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by oilfieldace View Post
Show the transcript or scurry along, I have watched it and read it , nice try but I don’t take the word of a liberal
If you read it post yourself. I watched it. He was muted for lying.
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Old 02-25-2024, 06:28 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by oilfieldace View Post
Not violence a teaching moment. And the election was stolen, no doubt about that. Didn’t gas get as high as Trump said? It did , he didn’t say it was currently that high, now did he? Cavuto wouldn’t know a fact if it bit him smack on his lard ass. Cavuto took liberty with what Trump actually said to promote his liberal beliefs. End of Story
We are now close to 3 1/2 years from the election and all the clowns who claim the 2020 election was "stolen" have not come up with a shred of evidence to support their baseless claims.
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Old 02-25-2024, 06:37 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post

Trump was lying. He deserved to be muted
Why waste your breath, you're talking to the alternative facts folks - and if it's not a fact, it's merely "an opinion".

They don't give two shits about a fact - they've been gas lit for 4 plus years - they'll believe anything that comes from the twice impeached fucko facing 91 felonies...


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Old 02-25-2024, 11:15 AM   #19
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You claim you saw it but you offer no proof of your claims...as usual. Was trump asked how high the price got?
No. If a date range isn't specified in the question or answer then it's safe to assume a current price is what is being asked

How can you have a teaching moment for a liar? You lie on a regular basis too. It's really funny you lie about the election but won't take 20 seconds to produce proof (gas prices) the host is lying. It's much more fun to include links that show you're talking out of your ass. The saddest part is you never learn from your mistakes

He wasn't and trump was lying. You're a well known shill for trump. You try to change the context in any way that might make your falsehood in the same "state" as opposed to the "ballpark". Plus your claim you don't believe anything a liberal says really shows your lack of credibility. That explains your lack of links to prove the noise coming out of your mouth.
Since you don't give examples of the lies you claim Cavuto tells or examples of the liberties he takes when repeating what trump says, it's a sure tell when you lie.
Plus, and this is the scary part, you sound like you don't realize you are lying.

Current average price for premium is $5.02 in California.
Using premium grade is a stretch since the grade used to quote the average is regular unless stated otherwise. Current price of regular in CA is $4.64.


Originally Posted by oilfieldace View Post
Not violence a teaching moment. And the election was stolen, no doubt about that. Didn’t gas get as high as Trump said? It did , he didn’t say it was currently that high, now did he? Cavuto wouldn’t know a fact if it bit him smack on his lard ass. Cavuto took liberty with what Trump actually said to promote his liberal beliefs. End of Story
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Old 02-25-2024, 12:40 PM   #20
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"Quibbling over the numbers"? What quibbling, other than trump outright lying, is involved?
Those are straight forward and easy to find and quote.
Quibbling comes from trying to spin the answer. Like adding "premium" to give more wiggle room to a trump answer. Less than 15% of refined gas is premium.
Prices were part of the OP.
Premium is $5.02 in CA. The national average is $3.26 for reg., $3.71 mid-grade, and $4.04 for premium ($.98 less a gallon than CA) per AAA.

Policy wasn't part of the OP. Go ahead and start a thread about policy affecting gas prices. Since production has increased under Biden, let us know what policies would lower the price at the pump. What policies did Biden change that increased gas prices?

Don't hijack this thread. Start your own.

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
What's "case"?

As of today, the average price for a gallon of premium gas in California is over $5 a gallon.It is $5.02

Maybe instead of quibbling over the numbers, you might ask yourself - who is more likely to pursue energy policies that will keep our gas prices low - Trump or Biden?
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Old 02-25-2024, 07:17 PM   #21
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