... THAT point is because we believe that Fetterman is simply
a 14 caret PHONY... And his new-found "centre-type views"
and conservative stances are surely scripted as pro wrestling.
Just as the protest at his house and him waving the flag
was scripted also.
... Now that said --- there is a small chance that I
may be wrong about him... Maybe his stance is sincere.
Prolly NOT - but I'm willing to wait and see.
... However, either way - GOOD FOR HIM... If he wants
to be known as centre-left instead of far-left - then FINE!
And it's surely fair dinkum to see him put the badmouth on Hamas
and wave the Israel flag. ...

... Good on him!
... However, all praise aside - as we Australians like to say,
"the Proof of the pudding will be in the eating" with Fetterman
and he can say whatever he wants.
But the "proof" of his sincerity will surely be in HOW HE VOTES.
#### Salty