Originally Posted by Joe6Pack
A little bit - I don't understand the contact method -So the links always takes me to website - and they lisdt the Individual girls Numbers -- but then on the website they have a Screening Process - where you fill out a form - and answer questions which girl do you want to see, how long do you want spend time with - upload your pic..... I don't quite get it. Can we text straight to the girls number and carry on the usual way?
Or if you do that are they giving rates other than the EOA rate...Uh, er asking for a friend, What Is The Best Way To Contact?
I contact the girls usually via text. Heff has been pretty good at getting me the most up-to-date list of girls' numbers for the Olympics.
When looking for rates, I just ask the girls and they provide me with a list of rates and upgrades. All pretty straightforward really.