Originally Posted by Salty Again
... So YOU didn't believe the evidence that Revolver showed?
... Is THAT it?
... Video of Epps encouraging people to go "In to the Capitol"
when those who did are charged with Federal crimes.
What evidence? It was more like fantasy. They selectively showed parts of videos that supported their fantasy. For example, Epps said, "I'm gonna put it out there, I'm probably gonna go to jail for this. Tomorrow, we need to go into the Capitol! Into the Capitol!
Peacefully!! Peacefully."
Revolver conveniently cut the video short when Epps said "peacefully." See the second video in the Revolver piece:
Revolver omitted video where Epps told protestors not to mess with the police on January 5 or earlier in the day on January 6. They did include a segment of Epps trying to calm the crowd later in the day on January 6 and bizarrely present that as evidence he's a federal agent.
Revolver's theories about the "Ray Epps Breach Team," illustrated in Dilbert's links, are a complete laugh. The evidence from the famous video where protestors pour past the barricade disproves them. When Epps whispered into Ryan Salame's ear before Salame broke through the barricade, he told him to relax, that the cops are doing their job. That was told to the FBI by Salame. And bystanders confirmed Epps was trying to calm people at the barricade. Contrast with Joseph Biggs, a leader of the Proud Boys. Salame had hesitated about confronting police officers at the barricades. So Biggs flashed Salame a gun, questioned his manhood, and told him to push the barricades. Revolver however chooses to assign responsibility for the breach at this location to Ray Epps instead of Joseph Biggs.
Originally Posted by Salty Again
And what of Epps and his e-mails there - AFTER what happened?
I haven't seen the Emails. Perhaps you could post a link.
Originally Posted by Salty Again
Uh, any reason for WHY Epps was at the Capitol on 5 Jan??
What might be the "reason" for that?? 
Because, like you, he was a strong Trump supporter. If you'd been in Washington D.C., who would you have listened to? Ray Epps who was telling you to go into the Capitol and protest peacefully? Or Joseph Biggs who was looking to kick ass and manhandle police? I bet you would have either protested peacefully outside the Capitol grounds or done like Epps, who went further but based on all the evidence did so peacefully.
Or if you're not referring to Epps being in Washington on January 5, but rather believe he was on Capitol Grounds on January 5 cutting fences or something, please post evidence.
I believe I recall reading that Epps, his son and his son's friend saw some of the sites around D.C. on January 5, as they viewed the trip to Washington as a mini family vacation. Maybe they went by the Capitol then. If that's what you're getting at, then yeah, you can interpret that like 2000 mules, that every time some random person drives by a ballot drop box he's engaged in election fraud.
Originally Posted by Salty Again
.. Reckon it's fair dinkum IF this is just another liberal
contortion issue - where ya wanna deny simple facts, but
no sense being silly with it, mate.
In this instance the anti-Trumpers aren't contorting the facts. It's Trumpers turning on Trumpers. It's like the ducks I used to watch with my son at a pond. All the ducks would peacefully mind their own business. Then some of them would turn on one of the ducks and viciously attack it, and chase it around the neighborhood, blood flying.
The anti-Trumpers aren't contorting anything. They're sitting back and laughing.
Originally Posted by Salty Again
. Why was Ray Epps NOT charged in accordance with others
who did the same thing?
Based on New York Times reporting, only a handful of protestors who went onto Capitol Grounds but who were not proven to have entered the Capitol building were prosecuted. Ray Epps was one of the handful who were singled out.
If you're going to argue that he should be prosecuted for being a loud mouth, and telling people who apparently weren't listening based on their replies that they should go to/into the Capitol peacefully, then you need to tell me why you think Trump should not be prosecuted for saying something similar, to a lot of people who did exactly what he told them to do.
While you and Epps are Trump fans and I'm not, we're all on the same page on more issues than not. You don't turn on people who are on your side and falsely accuse them of being government agents. I'm not accusing you of that. I am accusing Tucker Carlson and Revolver. I don't think they truly believe Epps was a government agent. Rather they were looking for more readers and viewers and advertising dollars.
And again, how much sense does it make that the deep state would send agents into a crowd to encourage it to attack the deep state? And why is Epps being prosecuted for ANYTHING if he were a government agent? If he were, he'd be in something like the witness protection program. He wouldn't be asking a judge in Washington D.C. to let him carry a gun before sentencing to defend himself from the crazies. The judge said "no" by the way.