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Old 10-04-2023, 05:39 AM   #16
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Maxwell Smart had it all wrong.

Could not help but notice the word "chaos" bandied about by some during the removal process. To some extent it is rather true. However, many seem to think that the remediation of chaos is best achieved by collecting and surrounding one's self with More Ons.

More Ons will never resolve chaos. The one true way to remediate chaos is with even more chaos. This guy gets it: "WAYNE ROOT: Trump for House Speaker- Again? Whether He Wants It, or Not, Here’s the Idea That Exposes All the RINOS and Changes Congress Forever!"

BTW: One house member has nominated Trump via X-message, but not on the house floor as far as I know - yet

Sorry about that Chief.
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Old 10-04-2023, 08:19 AM   #17
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While it might be amusing to see Trump get a recommendation for speaker; he has zero chance of getting approved in the House. While "Space Lasers" MTG and Gaetz would surely vote for him, there are a lot of ppl who wouldn't. It would get some ratings to watch the fools run around, but imagine the dirty deals that would have to come from nominating a guy like that when you have others who as members of the House, would feel slighted to be over-looked by nominating him.

Would it be good for the party? Perhaps.

Yes is that he could get the "goose" stepping going for sure. Bad in that he would not know what the fuck to do as speaker- that job requires you to be there and working, not golfing. Trump would be abscent 90% of the time. No- if you were really looking for how a speaker is the quiet mediator of how things get done. That aint him.

Plus the whole body-politic would become a sideshow about the email lady, the laptop, the election process, and how poor Donnie had to follow some rules, which he hasn't, wouldn't, and won't. No legislation passed, no deals, no compromise, no anything. Imagine the insanity of Jan 6th, but everyday from now till November 2024. THat's what you would get. 24/7/365- all about the orange menace.
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Old 10-04-2023, 12:00 PM   #18
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I live in a city which has more Hispanics than whites and which went for Trump by 57 percentage points in 2020. It's the heart of MAGA country. My friends, who live and bleed orange (referring to the color of Donald's hair, not UT), are upset at Gaetz and believe this episode hurts the party. As one said, Gaetz is acting like a petulant kid who can't get everything he wants.

I respectfully submit to Salty, texassapper, Firestorm, Festered Uncle and others of a similar mind that this is not going down well. Eight out of 221 House Republicans voted to remove McCarthy. That may be representative of how Republicans in general feel.

Gaetz et al are making it harder to implement the Republican agenda, and will probably hurt Republicans at the ballot box come 2024.

As to Trump becoming speaker, that's a terrible idea. Look at the optics. He's already criticized as authoritarian, and if through some miracle he wins the presidential election in 2024, he's head of both the executive branch and lower house of Congress. Do you think Putin or Orban would try that? No way.

Besides, the man's already battling 91 charges in four criminal cases, as well as two significant Civil actions, and running for president. He's a loser too. He lost votes for Republican Party candidates in 2018, 2020 and 2022. The best thing the Republican Party could do is kick him to the curb and nominate someone else.
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Old 10-04-2023, 06:09 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Yeah, it pains me to say the Republican Party's become a shit show. And Donald Trump's the Shitter in Chief.
What Tiny said. They've been shooting themselves in the foot repeatedly ever since they yelled "Just One Term!" *THAT* is when they stopped serving their constituents and letting their power hungry egos drive their votes. Always said it, they eat their own.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I may not appreciate her progressive politics, but Nancy Pelosi knew how to run a caucus.
Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Nancy Pelosi couldn't run a cock - let-alone a caucus.
(Which is why her husband stays in California)

The Republicans will vote on a better Speaker and
things will surely move forward...

#### Salty
Seems whenever the Speaker position is available to a repub, they don't want it or can't find anyone to take the seat. Still remember Ryan looking like a statue during Obamas SOTU and when donny said alot of the same things he was like an excited marionette. The demmies come off as the example in how to run things when it comes to them choosing a Speaker. Unfortunately the repugnants won't learn how to work together.

Leave it to them to find a worse canidate for Speaker. We'll see.

Originally Posted by FesteredUncle View Post
She did it like most any totalitarian has done it in the past - goose-stepping forced marches, bribery, threats and intimidation. For consideration: goose-stepping regimes fall. ...
Are you saying feining fealty by kissing the ring/ass of the Big Cheato wasn't the same thing?
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Old 10-05-2023, 03:44 AM   #20
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The vote was 216 to 210 you say? Is that an unusual number in the mind, where a small handful depart from the larger group historically? I've seen other odd numbers bandied about like 96% etc. So what % of Demoncrapers voted against McCarthy anyway?

A list of speaker squeakers when the house sat with 435 members since 1912, according to Ballotpedia:
- “Champ” Clark, elected 1917 with 217 votes
- Frederick Gillett, elected 1923 with 215 votes
- Sam Rayburn, elected 1943 with 217 votes
- Newt Gingrich, elected 1997 with 216 votes
- John Boehner, elected 2015 with 216 votes
- Nancy Pelosi, elected 2021 with 216 votes
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