Originally Posted by berryberry
Republican Rep. Jeff Hoverson supported the bill. "Why would you not want a men's bathroom to be for men, and a women's bathroom to be for women?" the Minot representative said Wednesday.
The problem is that there’s far to many people who don’t know the difference, or are unwilling to admit there is is one. Their mission in life is to convince people, usually underage ones, that not only is your gender not determined at conception, but can be changed. It can’t. You can dress like a woman/girl, get your dick cut off and take as many hormones as you want, but you’re still a man/boy. Same goes the other way. A girl can chop her tits off, sew on a dick and dress like a lumberjack, but they’re still a girl.
The sooner this delusional shit is eradicated from society the better. If someone thinks their the opposite sex, send them to a psychiatrist, not a plastic surgeon.