Originally Posted by ManSlut
How many threads is the OP going to create about shit long in the past?
In answer to your question, yes I remember Marissa of Dallas. I saw her once in the early 2000’s, she was a late 30’s, maybe 40’s, anything goes drunk whore, who liked to name drop about A-list famous clients, one of them I remember being Mickey Rourke of ‘9 1/2 Weeks’ fame...She said an abusive foreign ex husband got her into whoring by making her fuck his friends...Around the time ASPD faded to black she had gone really BatShitCrazy and had gone to local media to tell her story of being a prostitute, all while still being somewhat active on ASPD. I believe she was promoting a book of her whoring for pay life to the media and it was about her change of lifestyle, again, she was still trying to hustle on ASPD...She was a danger to the community and I blasted her every chance I could...Absolutely no good memories here from me, she was one of the biggest BSC’s on record imho.
Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!
"How many threads is the OP going to create about shit long in the past?"
Attention @moderators Am I in violation of a rule?