Originally Posted by dtymh55
The Double Shoe?
used to be called Lipsticks. back in the day, if the day is about 15 years ago it was actually a decent club. 25 bucks got you in the VIP all night. the good ole days. during COVID actually ran into a dancer there that was also at Colorado that same week. actually went to check it out maybe 3 weeks ago on a Friday or Saturday. had 1 beer and couldn't leave fast enough. not worth the drive. I suppose it could have picked up later. also, was no free popcorn anymore.
Originally Posted by mynameismudd
BYOB - only been to Bucks wild and Golddiggers. Didn't like Bucks wild. I want to try out Paradise City.
Topless - Polekatz, ship, church, chicas locas, the colorado. been meaning to try out the ritz and sunset strip plus glamour girls and cover girls.
by Paradise City do you mean the place by Almeda Mall? if so, hit it up a couple of weeks ago. it doesn't seem to get going until like midnight. literally was no one there but a few dancers that I personally would not get dances from. one dancer sat at the table and said dances there were 40 bucks a dance. the sad thing is we left this place and then went to Uncensored (the old XTC South and a few other names). my buddy had removed his dance band and come to find out the bands were exactly the same at both clubs. he should have left it on. anyways, not my kind of places. Paradise City the seats were nasty but I guess had been cleaned. Uncensored, at least the place was clean and the dude BBQing was cooking something that smelled good. the girls though, not my types though my buddy saw a couple that met with his approval.
how is Polekatz? never been.
I'd say chicas locas, and the men's club does a good late night breakfast buffet. still researching if there is better or comparable.
used to really like st james. before COVID would have been my favorite. centerfolds & colorado could be fun. however seems these places have went downhill. diosa was surprisingly busy on a Friday night. however it was nothing but hustle after hustle to get you into the VIP. keep coming across girls mentioning Vivids but of the 3 or 4 times been in there it was not good.