Why does the sun light up the Earth, but leaves space black?
The moon is 250,000 miles away in the darkness of space. When you look at the moon during the day, how is it possible there is blue sky behind the moon?
The horizon is called the horizon, because it is horizontal. It doesn't curve.
Pour water into a bowl. It is flat. It doesn't curve. How could water curve in the ocean then? The water in the ocean is flat!
If a helicopter hovers in place for several hours, it will be in the same spot. How is this possible if the Earth is 'spinning' thousands of miles an hour? The Earth doesn't spin!
NASA is full of lies. Nasha in ancient Hebrew can be spelt without the H. It is said 'naw-shaw', and means 'a great deception', or 'to deceive'
Looking at the moon from New York shows a different moon than if you looked at it from Austrailia. How can the same thing be a mirror image of itself from two places?
If you pour water on a ball, it falls off. Water doesn't hug round things. Water can't hug the round earth
NASA claims there are about 17,000 satellites orbiting the Earth. Have you ever seen them? There are thousands of them. But where are they? Satellites are actually on all of the tall buildings - they are their antennas
All the photos we have gotten from Mars look just like the American Southwest - just with a red filter on them.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Every day humanity as a whole gets further and further away from the truth of the world