Prior to meeting .
For example Providers "RonCumsalot" is your 1:00pm & he's confirmed the address location & on his way when he texts I'm here turn off bluetooth..wifi..& with some

fucked up cheap third party vendor cellphone Providers fycking disable google play services..too much intel to go into & without my attorney present I hate to share what I have found to be true.
Safety is paramount & in this business that should always be your priority even if you really want that next Louis Vuitton bag.
Screening is not enough & we have sick not SIK sick like not nice haters sometimes that wish they could earn what we earn without attending college & if we are having fun hate us more & don't give a fuck about going to measures to try and prevent some of us from having FUN!
I'm hoping that new Providers are already aware & turn off all cellular after the client that has been screened with at least 2 Providers & has sent you a deposit or prepayment arrives.
Hobbyists , this is not just so your wifey will not find out or girlfriend we live in a world where there are Nosy Haters unfortunately that do track & it's so freaking easy.
Please after making sure your choice in fuckmeat is safe & fun for Gods sake turn off your bluetooth wifi & all tracking apps after you arrive before you turn off your phone ,& leave apple watches in the car.
Privacy is paramount..& I'm so sorry to have to remind some of you that have gotten comfy?
Some of the native apps & ect just total bushit.
I refuse to become any tech giants moron & hoping those of you that are not tech savvy just take extra measures in protecting what you want private like your incall location & if you visit a Providers incall .
& Not to worry haha this is not a omg I just found out something baaad thread this is a community hug to remind you & I'm taking the afternoon off until my visitor tonight.
Bluetooth off..& phone off during session please community..for both of your safety in case of drama it's like extra safe guarding yourself.
& To the 5 trolls that just texted me

..It's rude & I'm $ okay you are now blocked.

..Don't friggin text me unless you are ready to schedule & wasting my time is RUDE