Originally Posted by Oilrig
President Trump sent Federal agents to Chicago and other Cities to assist law enforcement
4 yr Legend Taliferro mother went to the White House and made a statement with Bill Barr thanking them for helping solve her sons homicide in Kansas City with Operation LeGend

Under extremely limited circumstances may a President dispatch Federal troops or armed Federal officers to confront a local violent situation without first having a local/state person of authority requesting the assistance.
I believe that one such "local violent situation" that would warrant uninvited Federal troops and/or armed Federal agents would be an attack on a Federal building or other Federal property that was damaging and/or destroying the Federal property.
The motivation today is that the Dumbocrats have been exposed to a well-known FACT that has been distorted and marginalized by a bunch of Left-wing Pussies, which is: the vast majority of the U.S. citizenship is opposed to the burning, looting, destroying, and violence being orchestrated by a bunch of chickenshit want-a-bes who are being systematically protected by the Left-wing Pussies and their LameStream Media wimps who want to pretend that burning, looting, destroying, and violence is "peaceful protest" ... unless, of course, if is a group of conservatives entering the legislative branch of the Federal government to challenge and complain about a fixed, fraudulent election for POTUS.
The Left-Wing Pussies have began an obvious PRACTICE of doing the shit they accuse others of doing .... and it began with the Russian Collusion bullshit .... because the Left-Wing Pussies WERE IN FACT CONCLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS .... and were attempting to refocus the discussion ....
... the same igrnrant crap that fills the pages in this forum.
A perfect example on here is .... claiming that betting on a criminal trial verdict is the same as betting on who will win a football game .... breath-taking stupidity and doesn't even elevate to a level of "ignorance" ....