Originally Posted by berryberry
After everyone one of your hate filled, unhinged and non-sensical diatribes this is what comes to mind
Nothing hateful, except towards fascist Berry, just truthful!
Had that asshole you endorse won that election or was successful in his attack on the capitol that is what our future would hold for this country!
As it stand now because of that assholes big lie, and people like you perpetuating those lies, we now have potentially 75 million Timothy McVeys running around!
When that first attack from one of those assholes occurs because sure as God made little green apples it will.
I hope your at ground zero!
Not because I hate you Berry, but because you deserve it!
You deserve to reap the rewards of what you sow!
Now you run along like the good little fascist you are!
Seig Heil Berry!