Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You sir need help.
Thank you - 1b1
so - how do you define 'help' - when the reply j made about the denial of teh west coast, Minneapolis, and other riots for months =-which were aided and abetted and paid for by the DPST/ccp party to enable teh Antifa and OBLM terrorists to Violence ( denied by your hero hannah-Joes) - including murder, rape and arson.
who is it that needs' help'???
Those who deny reality and Facts for their subservience to the DPST/ccp ideology Uber alles -
1b1- So - your version of 'Help" for conservatives is defined by AOC and her squad:
Re-Education camps and smokestacks for People!
including teh American Jewish population - so hated by the ruling
Racist Anti-Semites of teh DPST/ccp party.
a Holocaust - that is teh 1b1 and DPST/ccp definition of 'Help" - eliminate those with whom One disagrees.
Yet the 1b1 and DPST/cpers continue to bleat and howl about how their 'Frerdoms" are impaired and taken away by the slavemasters of he Conservative POV - with no factual basis.
it is - 1b1- You - who restrict Freedoms of speech, Second amendment rights - with your 'woke' cancel culture - dedicated to Cancelling People in Your 'Re-education camps run by your heroine AOC.
National socialism of 1930's Germany Lives and beats in teh heart of every single deluded One who Hates anything other than their own deluded ideology of teh DPST/ccp party.
Keep your 'Help' - 1b1 - a thought -
when they come for You - no One will speak for you - for darn sure!