WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday called on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to immediately remove Trump from office, saying that if he does not act, Congress should impeach the president.

© Reuters/ERIN SCOTT U.S. Senate Minority Leader Schumer walks through the U.S. Capitol in Washington © Reuters/POOL House Hearing on Firing of Inspector General in Washington “What happened at the U.S. Capitol yesterday was an insurrection against the United States, incited by the president," Schumer said in a statement. "This president should not hold office one day longer."
"If the vice president and the Cabinet refuse to stand up, Congress should reconvene to impeach the president,” he added.
i condemn the violence, the shooting, and the trespassing behavior of teh rioters yesterday. Violence and illegal behavior is to be ocndemned - regardless. Those breakin gthe law should be arrested, charged and prosecuted - which the incoming DPST agenda will virgorously puruse - i expect.
Meanwhile - Schumer and the callow, feckless, hypocritical DPST's are using every photo opopportunity - particularly since they now have complete, totalitarian power in their grasp - and demand Trump's ouster or impeachment today!!!!
Not a moment longer!!!
BTW - not reported ion the XiNN LSm, - Trump condemned the violence and illegal acts of yesterday - which matters not to the DPST leadership - it is n opportunity to them to put for th theri disregard and hatred for the Constitution.
13 days- and Schumer/Pelosi have no patience at all
Yet the DPST - and their leadership in Seattle - the 'Mayor jenny summer of Love", Portlands continuing ongoing riots and arson, vandalism and loss of life - and LA, Minneapolis - all created, aided,Abetted, and complicit are the DPST's in Causing those Riots - and not one Peep of criticism from any DPST in Congress or the national LSM.
Typical DPST blantant, feckless, Hypocrisy - and also in Kow-towing to the new ironfisted holder of the Office of POTUS =- Comrade Xi - who bought and paid for the Biden crime family.
Karma exists - so - how much damage can teh DPST's do - they will stack the SC, and trash the Constitution - ( of course - written by old, white guys centuries ago - so it is a racist document by the political narrative of the DPST party) - enact One party rule - and Shoot against the wall all republican leaders and nonLSM media to enact their Orwellian view of America - just as Comrade Xi is doing in china and Hong Kong . the arrests and disappearance of dissidents pro-democracy - is a lesson for the socialist crowd - Once Xi gets rid of any opposition in America - Xi will start thinning the American DPST leadership in favor of Chinese operatives.
DPST's in love with Comrade Xi have a surprise in store when Xi takes power given him by biden Crime family.
Fine and Dandy - DPST's - do your Exulting victory dance - like the boys of Lord of the Flies around teh fire when you burn the Constitution; Socialism maduro style is your objective - and will destroy America just as maduro destroyed Vnenezuela.
There will be a come-uppance for the foolish , callow, feckless, and HYPOCRITICAL DPST party.
Me - when you send beta Beto for me and my guns - I see a large pile of bodies in front of my corpse - and my legal weapons will be pried from my cold, dead hands.