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Old 11-27-2020, 08:18 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Gentlemen, Arguing with LustyLad about economics is fruitless, as I've learned when posting here about the current account deficit. It wouldn't surprise me if he has a PhD in economics.

He may have a PHD from Trump U !

That SOB bet me Trump would have higher GDP rates than Obama.

His love of Trump has him excusing away almost 8 trillion in debt and deficits that Trump will put up in just 4 short years.

He may brag about Trump's latest quarter GDP number though! I'll let him have at it....like the arsonist bragging about putting out the fire he started.

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Old 11-27-2020, 09:17 AM   #47
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He’s lost without IBHankering to serve as his zenith.
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Old 11-27-2020, 11:01 AM   #48
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IB and LL try and spin legalese, with an emphasis on try.

Ole lusty and his sidekick bammybino try to talk economics.

I'm no expert in neither...mine is in Bullshitolgy....and those 4 are loaded up in abundance with mountains of low grade bullshit. They used to sling it all over the forum.

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Old 11-27-2020, 11:54 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
But he has no clue because he doesn't consider the working class as people at all.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Yep. He's just not relatable and Biden is. Of course we know that Biden is a career politician who is probably crooked as fuck, but he still comes across as relatable.
Haha... you two clowns couldn't be more wrong - and you know it, too. You're just jealous. All you need to do is watch one trump rally to see he has an uncanny ability to connect with regular Joes (the ones whose last name isn't Biden). How the fuck do you think trump received over 73 million votes if he wasn't "relatable"?

Meanwhile, Biden hid in his basement and could barely fill a room whenever he ventured out to one of his so-called "rallies". The only people Biden relates to are swamp creatures and government teet-suckers like Assup. And Mucus McLame, who can relate to anyone as "crooked as fuck" as he is.
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Old 11-27-2020, 12:21 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
He may have a PHD from Trump U !

That SOB bet me Trump would have higher GDP rates than Obama.

His love of Trump has him excusing away almost 8 trillion in debt and deficits that Trump will put up in just 4 short years.

He may brag about Trump's latest quarter GDP number though! I'll let him have at it....like the arsonist bragging about putting out the fire he started.
Stop lying. You're back to your old tricks, making shit up and attributing to others things they never said.

Why would I brag about the 3rd quarter GDP number? Because the gain of 33.1% (annualized) is the fastest ever recorded since Simon Kuznets created the concept of GDP back in 1934?

It is what it is, you cretin.

I'll even put it in proper context... we clawed back around 70% of the output we lost in the 2nd quarter. That's not just a V-shaped recovery - we bounced back faster than a Wham-O Super Ball!

But alas, some dipshits aren't happy about it. They prefer a long, slow, drawn-out, anguished recovery rather than a speedy one. You know, like the anemic "recovery" engineered by odumbo in 2009-2011. It took him over 2 years to regain the GDP level we had prior to the Great Recession.

You mention the arsonist behind all this. Is China trying to take credit for our economic recovery? I must have missed that. Got a link, dumbo?
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Old 11-27-2020, 12:32 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Stop lying. You're back to your old tricks, making shit up and attributing to others things they never said.

Why would I brag about the 3rd quarter GDP number? Because the gain of 33.1% (annualized) is the fastest ever recorded since Simon Kuznets created the concept of GDP back in 1934?

It is what it is, you cretin.

I'll even put it in proper context... we clawed back around 70% of the output we lost in the 2nd quarter. That's not just a V-shaped recovery - we bounced back faster than a Wham-O Super Ball! But of course, some dipshits aren't happy about it. They prefer a long, slow, drawn-out, anguished recovery rather than a speedy one. You know, like the anemic "recovery" engineered by odumbo in 2009-2011. It took him over 2 years to regain the GDP level we had prior to the Great Recession.

You mention the arsonist behind all this. Is China trying to take credit for our economic recovery? I must have missed that one. Got a link, dumbo?
An economic recovery that may ultimately have a 4 trillion dollar debt!

What dumb fuc would not have a recovery injecting that kind of money in the system.

I suppose if Biden gives away Trillions in cash next year , you'll brag about GDP then too.

Your bullshit only works on those not paying attention to your hat switching ass.

How did that 3 plus % Trump GDP work out for you?.....could you give the Trump quarterly numbers before the pandemic (that didn't have to kill so many and shut us down for as long had we just worn masks). You're right , Trump is not the arsonist....he is the firefighter who poured gas instead of water onto the blaze.

If Tiny pays attention....I shall go back and show him just how shitty your future economic predictions truly are.
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Old 11-27-2020, 12:36 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
All you need to do is watch one trump rally to see he has an uncanny ability to connect with regular Joes (the ones whose last name isn't Biden). How the fuck do you think trump received over 73 million votes if he wasn't "relatable"?

Trump made KKK rallies great again!

How many coal jobs did he bring back to your great state? The silly SOB could not even win Pennsylvania with all the fracking going on.

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Old 11-27-2020, 12:47 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
An economic recovery that may ultimately have a 4 trillion dollar debt!

What dumb fuc would not have a recovery injecting that kind of money in the system.

I suppose if Biden gives away Trillions in cash next year, you'll brag about GDP then too.

Your bullshit only works on those not paying attention to your hat switching ass.

How did that 3 plus % Trump GDP work out for you?.....could you give the Trump quarterly numbers before the pandemic (that didn't have to kill so many and shut us down for as long had we just worn masks). You're right, Trump is not the arsonist....he is the firefighter who poured gas instead of water onto the blaze.

If Tiny pays attention....I shall go back and show him just how shitty your future economic predictions truly are.

If I was playing 3-card monte I wouldn't use your fugly ass to hide the cards!

If Biden tells Pelosi to go fuck herself with her outrageous trillion-dollar demands for all kinds of bullshit having zero to do with pandemic relief, I will be the first to applaud!

And sorry, but I don't make economic predictions here... unless you want to pay me for my forecasts like everyone else does!
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Old 11-27-2020, 12:52 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Trump made KKK rallies great again!
Where are the white hoods? Did you forget to wear yours?

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Old 11-27-2020, 01:01 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
If I was playing 3-card monte

And sorry, but I don't make economic predictions here... unless you want to pay me for my forecasts like everyone else does!
If you played 3 card monte....you'd wind up with your thumb up bambino's ass.

You predicted Trump would run 3 plus % GDP growth!

And I seem to remember you bragging about Feds clearing off all the QE....do you know how much Trump has piled back on the books in just this year?

You flip flop more Trump at a Russian puss house.
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Old 11-27-2020, 01:31 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
He may have a PHD from Trump U !

That SOB bet me Trump would have higher GDP rates than Obama.

His love of Trump has him excusing away almost 8 trillion in debt and deficits that Trump will put up in just 4 short years.

He may brag about Trump's latest quarter GDP number though! I'll let him have at it....like the arsonist bragging about putting out the fire he started.
I'll recycle a couple of posts below, one of which was a reply to a post you made about 8 trillion debt. We had the highest GDP growth in 2018 since 2005. We should have had a year or two of 4% or 5% GDP growth during Obama's first term after the 2008/2009 recession considering how deep it was, but we didn't. Not that I'd necessarily say Obama was at fault. Everybody wants to give all the blame or all the credit to the president, when the business cycle, Fed policy, what's going on in the rest of the world, Congress, globalization, technology and many other factors are important too. That said, you have to give Trump, and even more so Paul Ryan, some credit, for reasons described below.

Since Covid hit, the U.S. economy has outperformed most European economies, as well as New Zealand and some of the Asian countries where Covid hasn't run rampant.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Actually 7.1 trillion. And Trump and Democrats and Republicans in Congress had "only" run up the national debt by about 3.5 trillion until April of this year when the Covid stimulus spending started in earnest. Anyway, do you think Hillary Clinton would have done any better? There was only one fiscally responsible candidate in 2016, Gary Johnson. I voted for him and believe you did too.

Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump have competed recently to see who could come up with the biggest stimulus bill. Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are the only thing standing in the way of a huge fiscal blowout.

While I don't like their kowtowing to Donald Trump and their stances on some social issues may not be ideal, I donated to Kelly Loefler's and David Perdue's runoff campaigns in Georgia, in part because of this. If Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have a lock on legislation, you can expect the next four years to be worse than the last four, in terms of the growth of the national debt.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
The Census Bureau reported median household income for 2019 a couple of weeks ago.

Please note that "median" doesn't mean the same as average. It means the middle number. Fifty percent of American households in 2019 made less than the median income and fifty percent made more. So this number is very representative of how the middle class is faring.

The 2019 figure is striking, $68,703 per household, up 6.8% from 2018. During Obama's entire 8 years in office, coming out of a recession which should have goosed growth and wages, the increase was only 5.8%

This is very good news. The middle class did not do particularly well during the period of time when George W. Bush and Barrack Obama served as presidents. (Aside: I don't place the blame primarily on those two leaders -- there are many other factors that affect income growth besides what the president does or does not do.)

In fact, median household income when Obama left office had barely budged since 1999 and 2000, when the policies of a Republican Congress and President Clinton (welfare reform, a balanced budget, free trade, a lower capital gains tax) helped usher in a golden age. See this chart and click on "Max" for some historical perspective: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N

So what happened? I believe a huge part of the reason for the growth in median household income last year was the Ryan/Trump tax cuts for corporations, and for pass through businesses with lots of employees, in 2017. Trump's deregulation helped as well. Businesses expanded. There was more competition for labor. Unemployment went down. Wages went up.

The Wall Street Journal published a piece on the Census numbers. It wasn't just the middle class that did well:

Poverty fell 1.3 percentage points last year to 10.5%, the lowest level since 1959, and declined more for blacks (2 percentage points), Hispanics (1.8), Asians (2.8), single mothers (2.6), people with a disability (3.2), and no high-school diploma (2.2). The black (18.8%) and Hispanic (15.7%) poverty rates were the lowest in history.

As family household incomes increased, the child poverty rate also declined to 14.4% from 16.2% in 2018 and 18% in 2016. The decline in childhood poverty last year was nearly twice as much as during the entire Obama Presidency. The most pro-family policies are those that increase jobs and wages.

Income inequality last year also declined by most measures as the bottom quintile’s share of income grew 2.4%.

The share of households making less than $15,000 in inflation-adjusted dollars declined to 9.1% last year from 10.4% in 2016 and 11.2% in 2010. At the same time, the share with income between $75,000 and $200,000 increased to 36.1% from 34.4% in 2016 and 32.8% in 2010 while the percentage earning more than $200,000 ticked up to 10.3% from 8% in 2016 and 5.9% in 2010.

In other words, all Americans were gaining economic ground. But lower and middle-class Americans enjoyed the largest gains relative to the Obama Presidency.



I want to thank Eccieuser for participating in my series of "For Eccieuser" threads, and for reciprocating with a couple of "For Tiny" threads as well. I am trying to enlarge my audience, and in the hopes that three or four people who are left of center will read this post instead of just one, I have titled it "For Esteemed Posters on the Left", instead of "For Eccieuser."

I would also like to thank some of the posters here who suffer from TES (Trump Enlightenment Syndrome), who showed me that there's a way to put words that start with t, like Tiny and Trump, in tiny text.
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Old 11-27-2020, 01:34 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You predicted Trump would run 3 plus % GDP growth!

And I seem to remember you bragging about Feds clearing off all the QE.... do you know how much Trump has piled back on the books in just this year?

You flip flop more Trump at a Russian puss house.
There you go, lying again... unlike you, I don't "brag"... I just stick to the facts and the data.

Of course the Fed resumed QE when the pandemic started! Did you expect them to do nothing as the economy was shutting down?

Meanwhile, you claimed the Fed never ended odumbo's multiple bouts of QE - when everyone knows they stopped in 2014!

And quit yer fucking bellyachin' about 3% GDP growth. You sound like a lost whining scared yappy yapdog. Do you ever have a fucking point to make? No, you don't!

"During 2018 (measured from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018), real GDP increased 3.1 percent..."

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