This is where you are WRONG. The statistics simply do not support your conclusion.
Less than 10% of all blacks killed by police in this country since 2015 were unarmed. That means over 90% of those killed were carrying a weapon (and many were brandishing it in a threatening manner).
There’s only 2 reasonable conclusions to draw about blm. They’re either too stupid to know that their “movement” is based on bullshit, or they don’t actually give AF about black lives. I tend to believe the later, with a smattering of brainwashed fools thrown in for good measure.
And this somehow proves that white people riot and burn the town down in the same ratio as black people do?
Oh there’s plenty of whites currently destroying the country. Mostly they’re millennial white girls and their cuckhold boyfriends who are pissed about having a useless degree and 200k in debt.